OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Martin Armstrong

Posted by goldielocks @ 22:11 on June 21, 2024  

On Jessy’s Commodity Culture video new, 10 hours ago  History lesson cause and effect, now socialism.


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:22 on June 21, 2024  

I think they’re messing with anyone holding long heads. Maybe they’ll mix it up to two days up , one day down or vice versa next. Probably safer to play the long side ever other day or two. The Fed is looking for a soft landing lol  Actually everything being what it is besides shorter term trades coming stagflation after a crash as Pinto would say is rocket fuel for the metals.

Biden is trying to say inflation is going down. Once they put it into the grocery stores the women they fooled last time are gonna finally realize these lefties are lying



Posted by Buygold @ 11:59 on June 21, 2024  

Still outperforming, so there’s that. Only down $.08 on a really bad day for the metals.
The HUI on the whole is doing better than yesterday as well. Course, there’s a lot of day left.
If the shares manage not to get crushed too bad today, then maybe we won’t be looking at an ugly Sunday night / Monday morning. At least that would be the hope.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:41 on June 21, 2024  

I think I can agree with about 90 percent of the time when it’s choppy like this and agree with the rest.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:38 on June 21, 2024  

Some people are just born survivors and don’t need to gamble but if they do anyways it may come at a cost even if they win the game. Not just gold but some survivors can win the game without gambling and without the costs.

No Goldie

Posted by Buygold @ 11:37 on June 21, 2024  

With pm’s this pretty much always happens next day or at least 90% of the time. They always take back more the next day than they give the previous day.

Charts in pm’s are 100% unreliable, at least short term, say anything less than 20 years or so. Although, I would say if you want to look at a shorter term chart, then you can consider the downside targets, they will always get hit. Gaps will always be filled. Downside gaps that is.

The last rule is that rallies do not last more than 4 – 6 weeks at best. They are always stopped with a huge reversal, which always becomes a new downtrend. The new downtrend will always exceed any expected downside targets.

Just the facts ma’am.

Days like today

Posted by deer79 @ 11:28 on June 21, 2024  

……..are pure and unadulterated psych-ops. All the fund managers and institutional $ managers know the PM arena is one to stay away from when they see the algo controlled operations of the scum. When (and if) the moves become wild on the upside, Institutional money will come pouring into the PM sector. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

Ipso 8:35

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:10 on June 21, 2024  

It took these woman this long to figure that out? They best start thinking about putting their country first instead about what their country can do for them. Especially when virtue signaling isn’t even real or something they can do themselves without having to be accommodated.

Listening to this mornings chatter…The Gambler song comes to mind. You’re all playing in a big Casino! Get Phyz while you can!

Posted by silverngold @ 10:57 on June 21, 2024  

Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 10:42 on June 21, 2024  

It’s not exactly advice it’s more of a mixture of a warning about their trap doors and satire.

Currently trading range is 100 gold and 3 dollars silver. Yesterday it looked like it wanted to bring the gold to the 200 hundred range if it followed through which I didn’t think it would today. But there’s always Monday.


Posted by goldielocks @ 10:15 on June 21, 2024  

Not always, sometimes it’s two or three days before they sell. That s when they start asking questions when they’re selling near the bottom of it they say who the heck is this trader who buys just one share. Was that a typo or something! So you might have to buy a couple shares once in awhile so they don’t zero in on you.

When they wait a few days I’m guessing they’re moving the trading range one way or another so you have to figure that in too for what they might do the next day depending on what direction they’re bringing it.

At least

Posted by Buygold @ 9:59 on June 21, 2024  

We don’t have to watch NVDA and Bitcoin soar while we get crushed again.

Still, this is unfecking believable.


Posted by Buygold @ 9:51 on June 21, 2024  

What? This is just normal market action right? LOL
I mean, every market goes up one day and then gives it all back the next right?

PM’s are the world’s longest running joke.

To the Pits of Zool

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:46 on June 21, 2024  

A Loss Of Momentum”: European PMIs Unexpectedly Crumble Across The Board

Judging by the unexpected freefall and across-the-board miss in Europe’s PMIs this morning, the ECB may have cut rates too little, too late.

The Euro area composite flash PMI declined by 1.3pt to 50.8, below consensus expectations of 52.5, prompting analysts to comment that “this should be a further reason for the ECB to proceed cautiously with interest rate cuts.”


goldielocks @ 9:36

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:41 on June 21, 2024  

Ya until you wake up one day and gold is up $100 and silver is up $5 or more.

I will wait for that.

To do otherwise is playing their game.

I never play another man’s game.

Especially when the deck is stacked in my favor.

But thanks for the advice.


Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:36 on June 21, 2024  

That’s why you have to sell before the end of the day and if your pretty sure go short or you’ll give back your 20 cents a share gain.

The bankers …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:33 on June 21, 2024  

… are banging gold and silver down right before the shares open.

Gee … I wonder why they are doing that? It’s a mystery.

And it’s certainly not a conspiracy.

Chuckle … snort


Posted by goldielocks @ 8:51 on June 21, 2024  

Yep for any long term it is especially with rising problems in places where these mines are at and management that even if good can only do so much when it comes to that. Id probably average out okay day trading with the 1 percenters. Up one percent okay get ready to short, down one perhaps. Okay get ready to go long. But the difference is especially if your doing it with ETFs you made 20 cents while they made 20 million.

Isn’t war in Gaza enough?

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:40 on June 21, 2024  

Israel moving resources from Gaza to prepare for war in north, report


Yeah they don’t want to be beaten or raped when they leave their homes …

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:35 on June 21, 2024  

French Women Voters Swing to Far Right



Posted by Buygold @ 8:28 on June 21, 2024  

Yes. Very tough to determine a buying opportunity in the pm sector.

Sort of wondering how much longer before we have a massive financial crisis. Doesn’t seem like it’s too far off.
A headline in a Japanese bank, now a UK bank. Problem is that we have no idea what derivatives are tied to their positions or who has them.

The whole system is a fraud.

Buygold @ 8:19

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:26 on June 21, 2024  

“According to CMBS strategists at Barclays, buyers of the AAA portion of a $308 million note backed by the mortgage on the 1740 Broadway building in midtown Manhattan received less than three-quarters of their initial investment in recent weeks after the loan was dumped at a sizeable discount. All low-tier creditors were wiped out.”

This is just light rain before the tsunami! All the covid response BS has killed the commercial real estate market. Maybe this is what they wanted … or is it just stupidity?


Posted by ipso facto @ 8:20 on June 21, 2024  

I feel sorry for people living in a state like California. It’s the tyranny of the left. Newsom is just a horrible idiot!

When are you leaving?

Is this just the beginning?

Posted by Buygold @ 8:19 on June 21, 2024  

Bank problems again. I suspect it’s going to get really bad when these vehicles are marked to market.



Posted by goldielocks @ 8:18 on June 21, 2024  

Depending on the end of the trading day PMs could still move up a bit more next week. I see we’re dealing, well I’m not leas I see a phyzz buying op or a shares buying op for a more steady potential for significant gains, were watching computerized trading. The big money can make a lot of money with these short term trades and 24/7 fast trading aglo platforms and why it’s choppy. But it’s not perfect and it can get away from them if something unexpected isn’t factored in their computers. Now they’ll have the weekend.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.