OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ipso 12:45

Posted by goldielocks @ 18:10 on July 3, 2024  

I guess I didn’t say Gold or PMs but not as bottoms in. That’s a interesting stock if in a bull market. It did have short term up in July time frame  before heading back down. Some people rely on what it’s doing in months or cycles but it’s a guessing game if they jump in before any signs of confirmation in which then it might help.

The problem with the Feds cutting interest rates it’s only going to drive housing costs and inflation back up and beside the illegal migrants inflation is one of the top concerns on the polls. I don’t think their worried about bailing out bank loans that caused it or all the money grabbers  they’re giving away our money to so they can empower more lunatics. Did you hear the one by Rand Paul who said they gave a million or ” science” to see if giving birds cocaine if they become sexually active.

Now all of a sudden with elections in a few months there doing a half ass job at trying to stop illegals and doing it away from the border shows they don’t want to stop it at the border it’s for show so they can say see it’s slowing down at the border while they still let them in. They’ll just start to get around it. All they have to say is they’re not going to America they’re going somewhere else or worse could happen with the cartel they enriched and expanded in numbers now putting up cells all over the US.



Posted by ipso facto @ 16:04 on July 3, 2024  

That’s certainly a factor. I imagine it was purchased at minuscule prices … but even so …

Maybe the purchasers had inside info?

ipso facto

Posted by Maddog @ 15:46 on July 3, 2024  

Re Zelensky Land

Not sure I would be handing over any real money, for that …as Vlad may well have a large say as to who ‘owns’ any land, ….by putting a few hundred tanks on it.

Zelensky can explain all this to beelzebub when they meet up

Posted by ipso facto @ 15:35 on July 3, 2024  

While the genocide of Ukrainians is going on at the front and rear, Zelensky and his gang have legalized the purchase of agricultural land in Ukraine by foreigners

At the moment only 3 companies have already bought up 17 million hectares of agricultural land. This is slightly less than half of all agricultural land – 42.7 million hectares.


Just watched fascinating interview with Eric Prince and Tucker…among many fascinating subjects they talk Gold

Posted by Maddog @ 14:36 on July 3, 2024  

but that is only a very small part ….and boy has Prince seen the Deep State at work…..no way can he be called a conspiracy nut etc.


Alex Valdor

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:09 on July 3, 2024  

Many of the juniors have been knocked down so far it’s a bad joke. No interest at all.


Posted by Buygold @ 12:52 on July 3, 2024  

yes, the commies are in some trouble and probably could use a meaningless rate cut as a gesture to the plebes that they are trying to make things better. They feel our pain…

Rate cut should help us though. The 10 yr. is in rally mode, down 8 ticks, so that helps.

Shares look good, although volume is not all that impressive. I noticed the uber large miners RIO and BHP are rallying as well. That gives me hope that maybe the miners in general are getting some attention, hopefully from institutional investors. At the end of the day, big money has to come in or we got nuttin’

What’s interesting is that inside the details of those ADP numbers, mining companies lost 8K jobs. Go figure.

I agree with you about a weak jobs report unless they decide to fiddle f*ck around with the numbers.

This needs to last for more than a day though and gold needs to step up its game.

edit: Just noticed ISM services laid a huge egg. We are a service economy, that’s not good.

Forgot this was an early holiday close. That might explain the volume.

IPSO I sent you an email re: the OTC stock

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 12:45 on July 3, 2024  

Goldielocks … I’m not seeing that “up in july” action?

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:45 on July 3, 2024  


Captain Hook

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:42 on July 3, 2024  

Winner winner chicken dinner sometime maybe

They’ve turned down again … tempted to average down but that’s not generally a smart move.

“ABC” Hope you’re right Captain.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:18 on July 3, 2024  

Hurricanes already coming in and the loonies are selling our oil reserves again to keep oil prices down for the holidays for the serfs. Isn’t that nice of them. What do we need those reserves for anyways.  It’s supposed to be a real bad year with lots of hurricanes already starting.I hope the ocean rigs hold up. They won’t get much help with the loonie left in office. The city of Palestine in the US still can’t drink the water since that train wreck. Here in the West we risk fires. It’s gonna be 110 today and about the same 3 digits for the next 10 days.



Buygold @ 10:53

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:59 on July 3, 2024  

It should hold.

Japan just fired their last central bank head and installed an experienced money printer that should see to the continued destruction of the yen, which will help the decision-making process of the other western central bankers to do the same once the data allows for it.

Would not be surprised to see weak jobs numbers this Friday given the commies are in a great deal of trouble right here – right now.

Gotta buy those votes.


Captain Hook

Posted by aufever @ 11:57 on July 3, 2024  

Winner – winner – chicken dinner.

Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:50 on July 3, 2024  



Posted by goldielocks @ 11:47 on July 3, 2024  

It likes to move up in July but I don’t know if it will hold. Deciding maybe go long then short or just short now but too risky especially with global events the manipulators may not be able to control.it has a beautiful short term bullish pattern but can’t hold above resistance at about 30.50 yet.

Turtle post, they still don’t get it. They think they can just get a new one but isn’t gonna change the outcome of their incompetence. They’re not going to  close the borders and deport, they’ll make economic problems worse, and global problems worse. They don’t even seem to care what happens, they just want to stay in power anyway. Lunatics


ipso facto @ 11:20

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:43 on July 3, 2024  

Looks like a deep ABC correction done like dinner to me.

What the correction did to you is what it was supposed to do – call into question the bullish thesis and cause angst amongst shareholders – now it should climb the wall of worry – along with the rest of the sector.

Done – done – done.

Done like dinner.

Winner – winner – chicken dinner.

That’s you for holding.

Well done

Ascot went from being down double digits to a gain now.

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:20 on July 3, 2024  

Maybe that was the bottom. Sure hope so!

Alex Valdor @ 10:48

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:17 on July 3, 2024  

Why not say the name?

We managed to survive

Posted by Buygold @ 10:53 on July 3, 2024  

The eco data and first hour. Hopefully strength is building.

Captain – ditto Maddog’s sentiments. Would be great if we could put a few days and weeks together.

Share’s strong so far

A certain penny stock PM miner in USA is looking good today

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 10:48 on July 3, 2024  

There are 11.1 Bids for each ask .
The ask is 25% above bid .

At least that is what my major broker indicates…

I think there is light ahead , at the end of the tunnel .

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 10:14 on July 3, 2024  

Good call re Silver etc

So far not so good

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:32 on July 3, 2024  

So Ascot came out with a report on their mine commissioning progress today

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:25 on July 3, 2024  

They’ve run into some problems with this or that process and they’re working to resolve them. I think all mine start ups have at least some problems which need fixing.

They may go into the market for some more funding.

Sure wish I knew how serious things were. I guess the market will give it’s opinion today. At least management has finally spoken.

So far, all eco data is a miss

Posted by Buygold @ 9:08 on July 3, 2024  

everything showing a weaker economy.

More to come after the open: PMI’s and ISM Services

One Bank ponders a July rate cut if jobs report is ugly. We haven’t really seen an ugly report yet, but maybe Friday.

Scum sitting back and waiting for their opportunity.


Posted by adogsbody @ 9:03 on July 3, 2024  

Scum team in action. Clipped gold for a few dollars.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.