I guess I didn’t say Gold or PMs but not as bottoms in. That’s a interesting stock if in a bull market. It did have short term up in July time frameĀ before heading back down. Some people rely on what it’s doing in months or cycles but it’s a guessing game if they jump in before any signs of confirmation in which then it might help.
The problem with the Feds cutting interest rates it’s only going to drive housing costs and inflation back up and beside the illegal migrants inflation is one of the top concerns on the polls. I don’t think their worried about bailing out bank loans that caused it or all the money grabbersĀ they’re giving away our money to so they can empower more lunatics. Did you hear the one by Rand Paul who said they gave a million or ” science” to see if giving birds cocaine if they become sexually active.
Now all of a sudden with elections in a few months there doing a half ass job at trying to stop illegals and doing it away from the border shows they don’t want to stop it at the border it’s for show so they can say see it’s slowing down at the border while they still let them in. They’ll just start to get around it. All they have to say is they’re not going to America they’re going somewhere else or worse could happen with the cartel they enriched and expanded in numbers now putting up cells all over the US.