OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Captain Hook 11:47

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:15 on July 8, 2024  

If you compare a lot of MACDs of past and not in propped up equities you might notice that when it gets pulled down like that even when it has a cross over the shares still drop another time before a move up if the MACD continues up that is, not back down. Usually not at  top in the shares though.Thats another subject.

I haven’t been watching much of Armstrong lately because he gets caught up talking about himself and his past at every question  getting off track instead of the here and now that has different circumstances like BRICS and CRT and WOKE and Marxist, Net Zero and other such crazy matters.

His recent posts are interesting  but have nothing to do with the stocks. He did say in a video that he believes we will have a inflationary recession with eventual job loss currently slowed by supply issues. Seems to me it would be a good time to bring back manufacturing but the greedy left would make it impossible with taxation and net zero excuses

That the banks will eliminate cash and pre 65 coins would be used as barter. Well if our constitution won’t allow a central bank to eliminate cash how are they going to get away with that?  Again getting around the prices or stocks meaning his guess is good as any IMO and said to have gold and pre 65 silver coins to barter and might as well say the peasants should have a few coins in their pockets hidden from the tyrant taxing imposter King chasing you very last farthing so you have something to barter with.

Similar to others that also expect a recession is bound but a inflationary recession is good for gold stocks or as Pento said rocket fuel or Hunter off the charts that would be chaotic and dangerous as a atomic bomb to the economy  if it went that high  so hope that won’t happen.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.