The intricacies of the conspiracy.
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo.
Glaxo is owned by Pfizer (makers of vaccines)
Pfizer is run by Black Rock funds.
Black Rock manages SOROS FOUNDATION.
AXA owns the German company Wintertor.
Wintertor built Chinese laboratories in Wuhan.
Acquired by a Franco-German alliance.
Next we come out to Vanguard as a shareholder and meet Black Rock again.
Black Rock controls central banks and manages a third of the world’s investment capital.
By the way, it’s also a major shareholder in MICROSOFT.
(owned by Bill Gates), which in turn is a shareholder of PFIZER and the first sponsor of who? That’s right, it’s the World Health Organization.
Forewarned is forearmed. Listen to your intuition which I call my Higher Power. You are being set up for the financial kill with $trillions of empty worthless Derivatives around the world! Get out of paper and digits which will go “poof” and disappear. Get silver and gold, guns and groceries, in hand….and most importantly, get right with GOD! NOW! Once you see it you can’t un-see it!