drb2 – it’s a shame that this is one of the only things I’ve learned about the pm sector, and it’s also a shame that we’ve had to endure such blatant, gov’t. and Fed sanctioned lawlessness and corruption. It has taken a huge toll on my life and psyche. Gold will be out of their control at some point, but I’m afraid when that time comes there won’t be the kind of reward we’ve been hoping for as the economic hardship on everyone will be so great.
I’m sitting here watching the same game played out that plays out 95% of the days that the markets are open. Start higher, then give up whatever ground has been gained throughout the day. Hopelessness is what it is. Always looking for something to hold onto as a sign things are going to change, and they haven’t for the last 13 years.
I’d like to think the shares are giving us a clue today, but now that they’ve taken silver down and the air out of gold, it’s likely the shares will end up with minimal gains on the day.
goldie – they’ll probably cut, but it’s meaningless. If they do actually cut, they will just double their efforts attacking gold and silver.
The most frustrating thing is watching the SM build on its gains today, while pm’s go back into the crapper. Same old.