OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:19 on July 11, 2024  

Neither just trying to stay rational. My cheer leading days were over my high school.  I learned young although our team came out on top  that you can cheer all you want but generally speaking it isn’t gonna change the numbers on the score board.



Posted by Maddog @ 11:17 on July 11, 2024  

I’m not a candle devotee…..but prices are near the Hi of the day, which is good after a gap open that was filled quickly and now prices are back near then Hi’s….but we shud be up way more ….as always the PM shares are looking at the SM…so the Arb Algo’s will be selling PM shares, because the SM is down….

So far we have a serious break out of the major down trend…..

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 11:12 on July 11, 2024  

Where are the regulators…..working from home and fast asleep still…it isn’t even midday, so they havn’t even got out of bed yet.

goldielocks @ 11:00

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:07 on July 11, 2024  

That’s true … but only once they have moved up.

But hey … lot’s of people putting the cart before the horse these days.

A question – are you just stubborn or do you actually work for them?

Just wondering.

Gold is up $50 …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:03 on July 11, 2024  

… despite their best efforts to keep it contained.

And it’s $50 – up 50 folks … do we hear $100?


Dear 79

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:00 on July 11, 2024  

Generally not that anything is normal right now the explorers start to move up and us a signal at the end of a bull cycle. If this is a bull cycle.


Posted by Buygold @ 10:58 on July 11, 2024  

Concur. Looks like they pulled the plug on the QQQ’s this morning. Bitcoin faltering would be a good indication that the era of phony and inflated assets is over and it’s time to get back to real stuff.

Would like to see gold pull off a better than 2% gain for the first time in a while.


Posted by goldielocks @ 10:55 on July 11, 2024  

I just logged in here. Do you see if that wedge chart you have if the candles that breached above are holding?  if they are that’s good for the miners moving with it.

Besides the elections, the Fed print or don’t print so to speak, the impending crash that will being all stocks down then stagflation rocketing PM stocks are they trying to get people to chase the carrot so the can sell little by little, maybe playing long and short, or keep it level for elections or waiting for Feds who the BlackRock’s would love to buy up more real estate and inflate the prices or sell the properties and get out before the crash or WW111 starts. Hopefully by then the shares will be at a higher level get out before the crash less you can take a lot of pain as they take all your gains.


Buygold @ 10:28

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:31 on July 11, 2024  

Yup … we just need smaller shares to catch a bid and silver would be $40 very quickly – and JPeePee and friends would be down billions.

A bitcon crash would help a great deal in this regard. Cryptos have largely replaced the juniors as a source of speculation up to this point – but this will change once they start to move.

Expect them to throw the kitchen sink at bitcon and the sh*t coins to keep them buoyant a la MOPE.

Everything is crossed.


Posted by Buygold @ 10:28 on July 11, 2024  

The dumps in silver are so blatant and obvious right now as they are coming in again. Nothing trades like that.

They are effective, but now the shares don’t seem to be buying it.
Serious battle for the silver market in the first hour.

Buygold @ 10:03

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:20 on July 11, 2024  

They are allowing tech stocks (and tech stocks only) to decline – signaling the airheads that usually dominate silver futures – that the world is collapsing, and they should sell.

Normally, once they have done so, and collapsed the market, magically, tech will be allowed to rejoin the other indexes in the green, after Comex close at 1:30 going into equity closings hours away – while PMs continue to languish – devoid of targeted taxpayer support.

Wash, rinse, repeat – until the washing machine breaks down.

The manipulators never factor in their washing machine might be getting old and needs replacement.

Then, they are replaced.

Hopefully we are seeing that in real time – right here – right now.


No regulators, but we’re fighting back

Posted by Buygold @ 10:03 on July 11, 2024  

They threw the kitchen sink at silver and the shares at the open. Good to see we have some fight and they haven’t just steamrolled us again. Silver headed back toward the highs of the day.

Really surprised the SM isn’t off to the races. I guess they got their rally yesterday. In some way too, the pm shares may have gotten the bulk of their rally yesterday as well. Nonetheless, the HUI is breaking out, and shouldn’t have a problem getting to 320 quickly.

Lots of day left, going to be a battle.

Where are the regulators …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:50 on July 11, 2024  

… JPeePee and company are coming in for the takedown on silver … they ticked the NAZ futures down signaling everything is collapsing and smashed silver 30 cents naturally – silver is the most manipiulated market in history – and we get crickets from the regulators – fire them all Donny if you are not just another fake joo plant.

It’s commercial signal failure time or die folks. The arrogant bastards are up to their eyeballs in shorts trying to keep the shinny below $32 for fear a close above would trigger follow-through generalist buying – largely absent to this point – especially in retail.

Metals Daily Exchange Volume & Open Interest – CME Group

Gold is holding firm however, so anything is possible. Central banks can be expected to remain on the buy button right up to the big BRICS meeting in Russia scheduled for October.

If the Chinese continue to turn the screws as well – anything is possible – with Western cabal efforts to keep prices subdued failing this time.

The stars are aligned in this regard with their retard … ‘Smokin Joe’ … forcing the commies to lighten up on the fraudulent statistics going into the election.

The scramble to steal it is on – so this situation will not improve much – even with a new a**hole in charge after the Dem’s National Convention coming up.

So tighten up your panties girls and boys.


Inflation numbers were definitely favorable, bonds on a tear, dollar weak (but recovering)

Posted by Buygold @ 9:47 on July 11, 2024  

they hit the sell button on us right at the git go, I’m already seeing some red shares. The scum still owns this market, until they don’t, and we’re not getting nearly enough big buying coming into the sector. I think we will – eventually.

Wow – NEM red now, HUI about to go red
How do you fight unlimited funds?

$2400 breached Woo Hoo!

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:30 on July 11, 2024  

Unlikely to happen in the blue states

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:29 on July 11, 2024  

Idaho Governor Enacts Order to Prevent Non-Citizens from Voting (Lott Wire)


The shares always know

Posted by Buygold @ 9:16 on July 11, 2024  

I think this is what the Captain was looking for on Monday.

Maddog – that trend is being broken bigly if we can hold on today. Hopefully this is finally what we’ve been waiting for.

The dollar is getting crushed. We need to build on this, not watch them pick us apart all day long. The scum will try and reverse this, they always do, but hopefully they’ll get swarmed.
Maybe we’ll finally get a real bull market. Hope stinks eternal.

Looks like they’ll target silver first. Dollar bouncing.

With the PM shares HUI just above a monster down trend line

Posted by Maddog @ 8:55 on July 11, 2024  

We should explode to the upside today…..if the metals hold these gains


I guess we will struggle at $ 2400 for some strange reason…..

Posted by Maddog @ 8:41 on July 11, 2024  

or just watch yr tax dollars at work aka being pissed away…..

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:35 on July 11, 2024  

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PM stocks

Posted by deer79 @ 7:54 on July 11, 2024  

I agree that it looks like some money managers are starting to invest some capital into the larger, established producers. It is the explorers, and smaller companies trying to transition into becoming producers, that are still floundering ( some hovering near their 52 week lows). Case in point is a company like Elero Resources. It’s starting to ramp up production, but it’s trading near their 52 week low. We’ll see if these smaller stocks start to attract a little $$$….

My mistake……..I was referring to Lion One Metals……..

52 week highs

Posted by Buygold @ 6:17 on July 11, 2024  

a number of miners are making 52-week highs yesterday and this am. NEM, AEM, KGC, WPM, EXK. AGI is just a stone’s throw away.

I think that it’s good to see in the summer especially, when things usually suck.

Also thinking we may not have to go through usual tax-loss selling that seems to start earlier every year, like October.

Earnings kick-off with NEM on 7/24 and a slew of others on 7/31. I suppose we could rally into earnings and then sell the news depending on what the metals do, but earnings should be solid, as prices for G & S have been stable for the last few months.

Anyone remember way back when Peter Schiff said the miners would be like the .com stocks? They laughed him off the “Fast Money” show. Geesh, I bet that was almost 20 years ago. 2006?

Random thoughts on the passing parade.

Inflation data this am

Posted by Buygold @ 5:43 on July 11, 2024  

CPI on deck in a few hours. Metals are up a little in the overnights, dollar down a little, rates flat.

Probably not much in the way of movement until we get whatever numbers they want us to see in order to carryout whatever plan it is they’ll execute, rate cut, no rate cut. The numbers only matter to the algo’s.

The beat goes on until it doesn’t.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.