That could be the case what your wife said.. Glad for Trump he wasn’t a good shot or responsible shooting a crowd. Sad for the ones who were shot.
They are projecting out everything dark they are on others. They I instigated this.
That doesn’t surprise me if Trump shouted out FU lol People are using that word more often now cuz their fed up with them and where their country’s going. F them sort of thing.
It used to be people could differ their opinions even argue and still be friends. Life would be awful boring if everyone were the same.
Party’s need to be eliminated though. Stop talking about the other looking for a fall guy and instead what they accomplished. The demos didn’t so now calling Trump Hitler or any names isn’t changing or making them better, it speaks for itself and just fostering violence. That’s why party’s needs to go and term limited mandated but not a monarch either.
There’s a saying.
You value doesn’t decrease because of other achievements nor does it increase because of others failures