OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by ipso facto @ 21:04 on July 17, 2024  

Rancher Blows Whistle: Food Supply Spiked with mRNA Vaccines

Rancher Blows Whistle: Food Supply Spiked with mRNA Vaccines


Posted by goldielocks @ 19:32 on July 17, 2024  

What I worry about more immediately is that this kid was walking around in the crowd with a range finder scoping the place then going back getting a rifle and running past the crowd, then climbing a building and no security noticed anything. While everyone else has to be checked going in while he was running back and forth.  He  could of just as easily walked up to Trump and shot him. Maga attendees are going to have to be vigilant because now everyone will be looking at the outside perimeter when he was free to run around on the inside all that time.


Posted by deer79 @ 19:07 on July 17, 2024  

I refuse to buy any more of the juniors until I see sustained higher levels of daily volume.

I have also lost a lot of $ in these stocks, but I refuse to sell them down at these levels. FWIW, I just shoved them into my Roth IRA and am trying to forget about them.

Good luck to all.

Biden has COVID again

Posted by goldielocks @ 19:06 on July 17, 2024  

All this activity at his age isn’t helping his immune system plus crowd exposure plus if he had the COVID shots. Then they complain how slow he’s walking up the steps when they already know he likely has Parkinson’s by his gait, no movement in his arms, whispering speech and cognitive decline plus covid he should be in bed resting.

They want him to step down but the only replacements are worse than him. Someone said they wanted to wait as long as they can for the honeymoon stage not to wear off with the new replacement long enough for people to figure that out.

Happy Hour: Oh Captain my Captain

Posted by winedoc @ 16:13 on July 17, 2024  

It only makes sense the M&A and revaluations will eventually drizzle down to the microcaps ……. but how many can hang on  ??

? plug your nose and buy …….  feels like pissing money away ……..

My small caps golds  are nothing but a wipe out ATM with gold at ATH  …….. hehehe

Still loving All time Highs with da phyzz

“No One” knows when the worm will turn

Evening  Friends



First gold and now this

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:25 on July 17, 2024  

Costco rolls out emergency food kits that can keep you going for 11 YEARS – as World War III fears grow


Buygold @ 12:53

Posted by Captain Hook @ 13:23 on July 17, 2024  

You are wrong about that.

Momentum is now in our favor.

Just ask Michael Oliver. (he’s all over YouTube)

The smaller shares will get some love once stocks are in trouble for real.

Usually this is after the election when currency debasement rates fall (think Presidential Cycle).

This time however, because we are in the final cycle of our present system (the big cycle) – we should see ‘crack up boom’ dynamics – where monetary largess continues to accelerate with only minor interruptions – if any.

So, capital could flow into the smaller stocks sooner rather than later.

We are not seeing this yet to any large degree however, and a typical washout may still be in the cards once the broads roll over (think the credit cycle).

But with bullish signals unquestionably triggered now by the larger PM stocks already over the past year, it’s just a matter of time before the juniors join the party like they always do, in more mature stages of the larger cycle.

Patience is required.

In a nutshell

Posted by Buygold @ 12:53 on July 17, 2024  

I suspect this is why we don’t get any real money coming into the sector. Momentum players won’t touch it because there’s no sustainable momentum. That also pushes out the swing trades. We might get two or three days up, but then we give it all back in a day. There’s no reliable gauges (charts) something will break a moving average and then get slammed right back the next day.

The sector is too unreliable. That’s why we don’t see these juniors going anywhere. Not like it was 20 years ago, that’s for sure.

Some good news in from Michael Lynch

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:52 on July 17, 2024  

Gold open interest resumed climbing and is now 580,000 contracts and the highest since April 2022:


The upcoming August contract, an active month, is in the middle of the roll period where open interest is typically declining by about 16,000 contracts per day. This typical reduction is due to traders closing the current contract and initiating a position in the incumbent month … in this case December.

However, the OI reduction over the last 2 days (July 15 and 16) has been nearly zero. Apparently new August positions are offsetting positions that have rolled. The OI for the August contract is now 265,000 contracts and slightly higher than average. There are 10 biz days to first notice, so there is plenty of time for the paper traders to roll, however this irregular OI trend could be an early indication of the propensity to stand for delivery. Perhaps some of those new contracts intend to remain for physical.

You may recall that the most recent active month contract of June had a sharp rise in physical metal transferred … up 70% sequentially. Those 30,000 contracts is in the range of the huge delivery volumes in the aftermath of QE-infinity. The August contract could extend that momentum.

The difference now is that registered gold is about 60% less than the peak vault totals during 2020 through early 2022:

39% of registered gold transferred on the June contract. At some point deliveries will stress the physical market.

Again – it’s the physical market folks.

They buy it over here and take delivery in Shanghai.

Fireworks should ensue at some point.

Cheers all

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:45 on July 17, 2024  

When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed.
Ayn Rand; Atlas Shrugged, 1957

Silver supply …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:43 on July 17, 2024  

… has had a significant supply deficit for the past three years (up to 500 million ounces) … for which price managers have been raiding Comex, LMBA, and ETF stocks to meet – and could have up to a 500-million-ounce deficit just this year … is why silver should be trading below $30. (perfectly logical right?)

So. they want their green agendas (think solar panels) but silver is not allowed to go up because that will expose the fallacy of fake money – that being their shitty fiat currency’s loss of purchasing power.

Why else would central planners conspire and contrive to push prices down?

Oh right … it’s because if silver goes up … gold will go up … and this would cause a big problem for mafioso central planners future PLANS for our lives. (so they can continue to steal your tax dollars, rape treasuries, and take your financial assets – because they know how to spend the money better on themselves)

That’s why they are doing their damdest to push silver below $30 right now going into Comex close.

Just for the record.

Ipso 10:04

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:15 on July 17, 2024  

No just the SS with big guns on the other sloped roof across from that one. I don’t even believe there was anyone in that building either.

ipso facto @ 11:28

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:39 on July 17, 2024  

He just another fake joo mafioso like the rest of them.

Gold/Silver ratio

Posted by adogsbody @ 11:32 on July 17, 2024  

Back over 81




Posted by Buygold @ 11:31 on July 17, 2024  

Yeah outsized hit on silver. A little over the top, but I’m looking at WPM and it’s down $.12? Granted some of the others like AG and EXK are down 3%. Just seems mild to me in a shaky market.
Don’t like what they’re doing to silver but it seems fake. Like everything else in this world.

Captain Hook … Jamie Dimon is a smart guy!

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:28 on July 17, 2024  

Too bad he’s on the side of the demons!

“Jamey Demon” He He

If Jamie Dimon …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:24 on July 17, 2024  

… becomes Treasury Secretary … does that mean PM suppression will remain a pillar of US policy.

Trump Reveals Key Pillars Of “Trumponomics”: Low Taxes, Sky High Tariffs, Powell Not Fired, Treasury Secretary Dimon And Much More | ZeroHedge

Gee I wonder.

Oh and they may just have to slip CBDC’s in because everybody else is – even the BRICS.

So who says the Repubs aren’t commies too? Not me.


They’re definitely more concerned with silver

Posted by Buygold @ 11:04 on July 17, 2024  

Still, I don’t think the shares are acting all that bad yet. NEM is a champ. HUI only down a couple points. Not bad considering the QQQ’s. The dollar should be helping, so it’s an obvious contract dump in the silver market. Let’s see if the funds start to slowly cover their short positions to stem the drop. Hopefully they’ve gotten smarter.

Price managers …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:34 on July 17, 2024  

… are allowing tech stocks to fall in order to attempt to trigger a selloff in PMs. (while the Dow rallies to show everything is just fine – this is Kabuki theater)

That’s how important PMs are.

They are continuing to short PMs hoping to knock the stupid specs over. Only thing is the bid and premiums in China’s physical and futures markets now control prices with the backstop that provides.

Metals Daily Exchange Volume & Open Interest – CME Group

If the price managers are not able to tip Comex speculators over before they must accelerate currency debasement rates commercials might be forced to cover their shorts.

That’s the big picture for PMs right now.

Everything is crossed.

The FBI is misdirecting thinking …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:21 on July 17, 2024  

… just who is behind Trump’s assassination attempt.

Trump assassination attempt: Homeland Security investigates Secret Service handling of rally security (msn.com)

Looks like Crooks was known to Blackrock – was he an employee?

BlackRock says Thomas Matthew Crooks appeared in company ad (msn.com)

Only the shadow knows.

That would certainly explain a lot.


adogsbody check your inbox

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:20 on July 17, 2024  

LOL LOL LOL That roof is nearly flat!

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:04 on July 17, 2024  

“Should that roof have been secured?”

Director Kimberly Cheatle: “That building has a sloped roof. There’s a safety factor considered that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on the sloped roof.”


I like Vivek

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:54 on July 17, 2024  


Tech wreck

Posted by Buygold @ 9:45 on July 17, 2024  

QQQ’s down almost 2%. Course that’s nothing on a long term chart, doesn’t even register.

PM shares opened firm with gold but may have to pause a bit with silver.

Dollar down close 1/2% – go figure.

Ipso – exactly right. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

edit: PM shares now firming up again. Metals to follow?

Random Thoughts

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:22 on July 17, 2024  

If the cop who climbed up the ladder after the sniper didn’t have the courage to confront the sniper when the sniper pointed his rifle at him he could have at least fired his weapon several times into the ground or into the air to alert the SS agents in the stands that they’d better get Trump to safety.

Also since it was a couple of minutes between the time the sniper was spotted and he fired, what about the communications net of the Secret Service? Did no one think that reports of a sniper on the roof were important enough to get Trump to safety?

Somebody’s got some splainin to do!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.