OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Silver supply …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:43 on July 17, 2024  

… has had a significant supply deficit for the past three years (up to 500 million ounces) … for which price managers have been raiding Comex, LMBA, and ETF stocks to meet – and could have up to a 500-million-ounce deficit just this year … is why silver should be trading below $30. (perfectly logical right?)

So. they want their green agendas (think solar panels) but silver is not allowed to go up because that will expose the fallacy of fake money – that being their shitty fiat currency’s loss of purchasing power.

Why else would central planners conspire and contrive to push prices down?

Oh right … it’s because if silver goes up … gold will go up … and this would cause a big problem for mafioso central planners future PLANS for our lives. (so they can continue to steal your tax dollars, rape treasuries, and take your financial assets – because they know how to spend the money better on themselves)

That’s why they are doing their damdest to push silver below $30 right now going into Comex close.

Just for the record.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.