OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:51 on July 20, 2024  

I agree, Trump’s a smart man and working for the country not the elitists.

The rest for the most part are in it for themselves haven’t learned that winning the battle at any cost there gonna lose the war and will be their undoing.



Posted by goldielocks @ 11:36 on July 20, 2024  

I think voters on both party’s learned something between the two. R Paul was kind to say about Romney as insecure. Both party’s were insincere. Difference was more Republicans and right leaning independents could see through both of them than Democrats and left leaning independents. That handed the election to Obama. By the time Hilary came around lot of Democrats just didn’t vote and others only voted because they fell for the virtue signaling never Trump while Republicans and right leaning independents saw new hope and had more to do with policy’s than the party of now do nothing but talk. I think more Democrats than Republicans  don’t trust the governments justice system and as time went on a long with the disaster they created there attacks on Trump opened their eyes of the corruption inside that party so many railroaded and lied to by the system  knew all to well and if they’ll do it to a candidate they can do it to them and started to backfire on them. They’re problem is not understanding what the policies and spending have to do with the prices at the grocery stores.


Posted by Buygold @ 11:32 on July 20, 2024  

I’d like to think Trump is smart enough to understand the scam of the federal reserve system or at least has financial people around him that do. Like a Judy Shelton who he nominated, but was rejected, for the Fed board  by the corrupt senate.
Trump knows well the power of being the reserve currency. He may also realize that with the BRICS, he won’t have any choice but to back the dollar with hard assets.
With that, I hope he understands the need to get rid of the Fed, and out of the UN and break away from the Globalist bankers. That would be truly America First. He’ll have a hard time but in one term but I believe JD Vance has the same mindset.

These guys give me some hope for the US, but the current sociopaths in charge won’t go away without a fight.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.