OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by ipso facto @ 23:18 on July 23, 2024  

“Our future generations will be born without Rothschild’s chains around their wrists and ankles.”
– Vladimir Putin

Alex Valdor @ 15:33

Posted by Captain Hook @ 23:02 on July 23, 2024  

Let’s see now.

1.5 billion people and growing – with a middle class now larger than the entire US population (not really but it sounds good, no?) – that will want to take advantage of a dramatic price reduction to buy gold going into the wedding season next quarter (this is for reals).

Sounds reasonable to me.


Happy Hour with Alex Valour……… “Meeting of the Goldminds”

Posted by winedoc @ 22:01 on July 23, 2024  


thanks for the memories

We were at Tottsville 2 and 3

Good times, especially meeting people face to face and of course the serenade. …… such fun !!

Was that the “top” for the shares though ……..



From Alasdair MacLeod’s substack

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 15:33 on July 23, 2024  

India slashes gold and silver customs duties



Not only has India slashed import duties on gold and silver from 15% to 6%, but the reserve Bank has repatriated 100 tonnes of her gold reserves from the Bank of England with more to follow.

The entire article is well worth reading , and his daily updates worth the low cost of subscribing , in my view .

Good riddance!

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:20 on July 23, 2024  

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns


Buygold 11:58

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:19 on July 23, 2024  

Rickards said Obama. No where does it say he can’t be VP. Then Harris for some reason resigned, or gets impeached then Obama gets a third term because he wasn’t elected. He knows more about the WH than I though. Like the back of his hand. I doubt it though. Michele didn’t even seem to like him being President except for the money but now that she has the money I doubt if she wants to be tied down in that little VP house in comparison to the places she has now. She lucked out with early retirement and don’t think she wants to go back.

Alex Valdor @ 10:22

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:17 on July 23, 2024  

Those were the good ole days! The days when we still had hope and the shares didn’t act like lame antelope. A shame some of our friends haven’t made it this far!

I hold no grudge against FGC. That dispute was mostly between Wanka and Tod.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:08 on July 23, 2024  

It would be nice if gold and silver could be used as a currency as a medium of exchange option to the dollar and redeemed as a option in banks even without the dollar being backed as cryptos are backed by nothing. But being converted to dollars now. It would be better used as a store of wealth than a gold backed dollar where it’s equal. If Trump can eliminate taxes on Tips perhaps he can pull this off and eliminate taxes on the phyzz because it cannot as far as I know with the phyzz be a tax deduction in deflation so why should it be taxed with inflation, per say.

Goldie, SNG

Posted by Buygold @ 11:58 on July 23, 2024  

Goldie – if Kamala were to pick Obama, not sure if you meant Michael or Barry (could Barry be VP? I doubt it, but not sure) the media would hyperventilate and immediately go into a love fest. Regardless, we may be at the point that if Trump were to lose and absolutely anything seemed squirrely with the election, there would be civil unrest. I’m not sure the people voting for Trump – and they are a huge percentage of the population – will accept anything but a Trump victory. They won’t be able to believe anything else.

SNG – aufever is right. Sure, your coins look, feel, and weigh the same, but not everyone is in your position of plenty, where they can just forget about them. Some of us will need to cash those coins in for fiat now or at some point in the future for living expenses. That’s why the price of the metals are a big deal to us, and why the anger and moaning about the BS price today and the manipulation.



Kinda sorta

Posted by Buygold @ 11:28 on July 23, 2024  

Winning the SLV battle over $26.50 despite the stronger dollar but the shares don’t seem all that confident.

Hopefully we can turn higher from here. That would be a nice change.

We’ve got the Fed meeting next week. Seems a surprise cut would help us immensely. OTOH, no cut could put all those short contracts in play.

Shares, at least the large caps, have held their ground nicely. We’ve seen far worse.


Jim Rickards

Posted by goldielocks @ 10:24 on July 23, 2024  

Worth listening to. He gives a lot of scenarios as well as how Trump could bring back a booming economy.

Scenarios like what if Harris is declared the nominee she picks Obama.

Also a heads up on the convention in Chicago.

But hard times ahead, as we know. Still listening near the end.

IPSO , I was at the first round table get together and meal at the inn in Tottenham

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 10:22 on July 23, 2024  

… North of Toronto , as was Warren and others , mostly from Ontario , and maybe also Irish. from Chicago at the time. Those were the days of growing dissatisfaction with Vronsky’s occasional heavy-handedness . I remember one participant from Toronto was present , but wished to remain unnamed/anonymous as he worked in a Toronto brokerage , apparently . As I recall , the next one I think , brought a friend of mine from the West PA and Ohio goldbug group and the third was BIG … folks from all over . At that one , Irish and I serenaded Winedoc’s wife with a rather shabby, spontaneous version of Danny Boy , a Celtic classic . Great memories . Irish and his wife stopped in his aging Cadillac at our home in the Pittsburgh area for a night or two on their way back to family in Illinois , promoting Belize , but by that time my second wife had died and I had later met and married my current , Colombian wife who had homes in the coffee district of Colombia so Belize was not for us . I think Irish and his wife were in that Caddie when he had that fatal accident in Mexico , headed back toward USA .
BTW , i still have one of the Tottenham host’s Full Gold Crowns on a back molar .

Ipso school years I don’t know

Posted by goldielocks @ 10:18 on July 23, 2024  

This person is a author of books and a proof reader for others who want to publish.They communicate with each other on their own sites.  One of the big problem writers are having today is the cancel culture. It’s not just affecting entertainment and comedians as in ” offending someone” but writers too.

Is Trump a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:13 on July 23, 2024  

Up to this point his record could be considered mixed. (ex. warp-speed etc.)

And he could be accused of being a liar. (concerning important matters of life and death which should never happen)

The question then arises – is there something that would be proof positive he doesn’t have America’s ‘best interests’ at heart – something he boasts about having at all of his rallies where he proclaims he’s going to make America great again. (this is just distraction for the masses folks)

Certainly, one would need to question one’s views on Trump if he were to align himself with the WEF – no?

Yes – you most certainly would.

Well, it just so happens that fake joos like to hang out with each other, evidenced not just by him planning to appoint chief markets manipulator (especially in precious metals) Jamie Dimon Treasury Secretary, but his apparent not so public relationship with Larry Fink (Blackrock), a very prominent market rigger and scumbag in his own right.

Is Trump lying to Americans – and bringing in a CBDC as well (via JPMorgan) – even if not through the government – through their corporate partners (overlords) – the global banksters?

Just listen to Mario for a sobering appraisal of the situation.

Can Wall Street Really Help Trump Make America Great Again? – YouTube

Try to hold your breakfast down.

Anywho – in the end PMs will rise as the dollar is irradicated in years to come – with Trump the chump and all his elitist friends at the wheel or not.

But man – it sure would be nice to rid ourselves of all this skullduggery and such at some point.


Cheers all

Maya – that Pere Marquette photo brought back a ton of memories !

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 9:36 on July 23, 2024  

As a child , my parents and I lived in the closest home to the south of the portal and tunnel cut of the then electrified rail line passing under the St.Clair River to Port Huron Michigan. on the US side the rails were Pere Marquette . The locomotives used to transit the tunnel were electric , because a consist had come apart in the tunnel back around 1900 and the crew sent in to haul out the stranded cars by steam locomotive were asphyxiated while building a head of steam while trying to connect to the freight cars. At the time a simple pin and eyelet system was in use which was fine on normal flat horizontal pulls , but going into the tunnel the slope and gravity allowed the pin to fall out , thus the decoupling .

I have a ton of memories about the tunnel cut… sleighs and tobaggans in winter , the short cut to my earliest days in school , etc.

Lots of truth here

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:34 on July 23, 2024  


Foreign Aid to China!

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:32 on July 23, 2024  

We have $35 trillion in debt.
Our budget deficits are over $2 trillion per year.

We are paying $140 billion per month in interest on the debt, on pace for over $1.5 trillion per year. 30% of govt revenue goes to interest on the debt.

And we send foreign aid to China.


goldielocks @ 16:15 … This sounds like schoolyard gossip. “Hey did you hear what Billy said about Sally?”

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:25 on July 23, 2024  

“BTW Someone I know that doesn’t post but has the link said is that why they got their own site so they can lord over everybody else and said much more about only hearing what they want to hear or your not worth while in short and ending in pretty soon they’ll be nothing left but clones of themselves.

Actually that’s not how it started. They left Gold Eagle for that same reason but that’s how people are seeing it here now.”

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:36 on July 23, 2024  



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Beware the Hildebeast

Posted by Maya @ 4:01 on July 23, 2024  

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:56 on July 23, 2024  

Night Run for the Polar Express


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.