OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Is Trump a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:13 on July 23, 2024  

Up to this point his record could be considered mixed. (ex. warp-speed etc.)

And he could be accused of being a liar. (concerning important matters of life and death which should never happen)

The question then arises – is there something that would be proof positive he doesn’t have America’s ‘best interests’ at heart – something he boasts about having at all of his rallies where he proclaims he’s going to make America great again. (this is just distraction for the masses folks)

Certainly, one would need to question one’s views on Trump if he were to align himself with the WEF – no?

Yes – you most certainly would.

Well, it just so happens that fake joos like to hang out with each other, evidenced not just by him planning to appoint chief markets manipulator (especially in precious metals) Jamie Dimon Treasury Secretary, but his apparent not so public relationship with Larry Fink (Blackrock), a very prominent market rigger and scumbag in his own right.

Is Trump lying to Americans – and bringing in a CBDC as well (via JPMorgan) – even if not through the government – through their corporate partners (overlords) – the global banksters?

Just listen to Mario for a sobering appraisal of the situation.

Can Wall Street Really Help Trump Make America Great Again? – YouTube

Try to hold your breakfast down.

Anywho – in the end PMs will rise as the dollar is irradicated in years to come – with Trump the chump and all his elitist friends at the wheel or not.

But man – it sure would be nice to rid ourselves of all this skullduggery and such at some point.


Cheers all

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.