OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

It never ends

Posted by goldielocks @ 18:22 on July 14, 2024  

Apparently some aid from the Jan 6 regime posted a criticism of the government for not getting someone who’s a better shot.


Posted by goldielocks @ 18:15 on July 14, 2024  

It turned out the teleprompter was involved in this miracle. He wasn’t using it for speaking but data. He wanted to bring up some data early on immigration and he turned his head to the right to see it and that’s when the bullet intended for his head whizzed past him. The shooter was in front to  the side fired the first shot to get him in the side of his head the same way as the fireman was killed hearing the shots covered his wife and child  he turned his head just in time or would if hilled him. I hope a fund is started for the Fire and family. Anyone who thinks being a single parent overnight is easy should go try it sometime.

Maddog 10:41

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:07 on July 14, 2024  

Never underestimate the depts the puppet masters will go lol It’s not over till it’s over and even then it won’t be over. They have no ability to understand people who see or achieve achievement ,” for others”  outside themselves so they won’t understand MAGA or see it as their enemy of their own self interest.

How America sees the world through what  the Democrat puppets would do.

Have you ever seen a picture of nature in motion at sea. A school of fish is swimming by minding their own business lol and all of a sudden here comes a school of larger fish, then the sharks come, then the dolphins get wind of it, The the seagulls  come to grab the scraps. All though it’s more than that as your having similar problems  be think financially. We are that fish.




Posted by Buygold @ 16:55 on July 14, 2024  

“turned him into a Biblical Hero from ancient times”

You may not be off the mark there. I believe God has his hands on Trump. He should be dead.

These globalists have a lot of problems right now. They have zero explanation for how that building was left unprotected, or why the shooter wasn’t engaged prior to taking the shots. They have no way to explain it. Possibly local Butler police had perimeter responsibility and could be complicit but it still falls at the feet of the SS for responsibility.

The “who” of the shooter is irrelevant. It’s all about how he got into position. The FBI has already told its first lie, that is that the shooter acted alone. Not possible.

but don’t take it from me….

“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure

teaser image

The idea of Crooks being able to get that close with an elevated position on the stage is unthinkable

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 14:52 on July 14, 2024  

Prince will give them unmitigated shit and sounds like he already is ….no way can the Dems escape this ……as i said they just dropped another 5 levels in Hell…they may well be in the basement……

Maddog @ 13:33

Posted by Captain Hook @ 14:14 on July 14, 2024  

They are calling it a SS failure.

Massive Secret Service Failure Led To Nearly Successful Assassination Of Donald Trump? | ZeroHedge

One would need to be quite gullible to believe that one.

deer79 @ 10:40

Posted by Captain Hook @ 13:37 on July 14, 2024  

Thing is – the false flags have to keep getting bigger in order to have the same degree of distraction.

Hence the real-life nuclear war thingy – even though it would only be staged to some degree. (contained but big enough to allow the propagandists to do their psyop)

Bigger and better – that’s their motto.

Might kill a few million but that’s a ‘small price’ for somebody else to pay for patriotism. (is how the deep state looks at it)

Just ask that bystander they mowed down yesterday.

I’m sure he’s OK being collateral damage.

Send him a message in heaven.


Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 13:33 on July 14, 2024  

Spot on…..I just saw an interview with one of the people who was trying to warn the SS etc and that is excatly what he says…..and as u say how the hell can they talk their way out of that…..

I gather the newish head of the SS is an ex Pepsi employee and v big on Diversity……appointed by Bi-Done…..hence Trump had loads of dwarf females as guard…..if I was Trump I wud doing what Buygold says and telling Eric Prince to get round here…NOW….!!!!!

Maddog @ 10:40

Posted by Captain Hook @ 13:26 on July 14, 2024  


But the biggest question – and the one the commies won’t be able to get around – is why didn’t they pull the Donald off the stage, or just stop the shooter, beforehand, when it was it was reported by numerous observers outside the facility that they saw a man with a riffle climbing onto the roof?

The only conclusion you can come to is they were told to keep their mouths shut because it was a deep state hit.

I wonder if The Donald is going to remain so sanguine about this and just keep playing their stupid little games.


Posted by Maddog @ 10:41 on July 14, 2024  

Re that Photo……that is exactly what the world sees…….it is a gift from God….no way can the Dems win now, no matter who they drag out.

Captain Hook

Posted by deer79 @ 10:40 on July 14, 2024  

……..or another scenario could be that the Deep State puts in to plan a major False Flag terrorist event, declare martial law, and cancel the election…….

The scum have several options; all of them reflecting their desperate attempts to hold on to their power and wealth.

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 10:40 on July 14, 2024  

That The Donald survived and has all these Photo’s of his reaction…..has turned him into a Biblical hero from ancient times… and now all those questions are springing up, as to what exactly went wrong eg why wasn’t that roof cleared/covered by the SS, why did they wait to shoot back etc……all that feeds doubts, especially when he was denied extra security…… if the Dems thought last week was bad…this week they have dropped 5 floors down in hell……

Maddog @ 5:13

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:09 on July 14, 2024  

You are right about that. The commies F’ed up this time – unleashing that nutbar. Trump just got a promotion to ‘God like’ in avoiding the assassination and remaining defiant. (Fight fight – freedom – William Wallace – esk)  They will have to kill him now to stop him because this will awaken the sleeping giant of nationalists like nothing else could have.

The commies are probably already writing the ‘fake assassination attempt’ scripts using AI – chuckle. They will do anything they can to downplay and obsficate this because if Trump returns to the stage soon as defiant as ever – that is going to move a lot of the fence-sitters to the point they will literally have to cancel the election or lose power.

I believe Plan A is to steal it using mail-in ballots and the rest of it like in 2020.

But now, it looks like Plan B might need be enacted – that being WW III.

Hope I am wrong.


Posted by goldielocks @ 9:52 on July 14, 2024  

I think your right, it will be covered up. And yep JFak all over again.


Posted by goldielocks @ 9:45 on July 14, 2024  

The medical ER doctor spoke on CBS. He was the one who tried to help that young man who was shot in the head. He said people there helped him. He checked vitals started CPR After a few minutes two of the biggest there was a noise but think he said police he ever seen tapped him on the shoulder and said they will take him. That they picked him up like a rag doll and walked off with him. He held back tears said sorry it’s just hitting him now. If he came to his ER not these words but they mean he would of got all the help he could. He came with a wife and child approximately in his thirty’s and the expression on his family’s face said it all.

What the Hell were the police doing interfering with CPR instead of bringing in medical help.!!!

He went on to said a army guy came up to him said brother you have blood on your mouth  He gave him water to wash it off and said are you okay brother. He said the help from the people helping with the shot man getting him up on the bench and the army guy that’s what it’s all about.


Posted by Buygold @ 9:12 on July 14, 2024  

The Secret Service allowed this to happen. No way any roof 150M away should not have been secure, especially one with a “line of sight.” All rooftops should have been secure out to 500M. The witnesses that tried to get police/SS attention 3 minutes prior who saw this kid climbing onto the roof with a rifle makes no sense. Where was drone security?

So, who was this kid tied to? How did he even get in there with a rifle. This is JFK all over again. The problem for the string pullers now is social media, cell phones and the internet. Information is instantaneous. They can no longer eliminate witnesses. That being said, the FBI handling the investigation means that everything will be covered up. Supposedly the kid was a “registered Republican” but donated to Biden in 2021. Typical nonsense that says nothing.

One more time, we have an event where no truth or accountability will be found.

Trump needs to hire Erik Prince to conduct his private security. The secret service should be under their command.

It’s all so ridiculous, I’d call it a false flag except I have a hard time with Trump allowing it to happen. Those shots were way too close for comfort.

These people in the government responsible need to be rooted up and strung up. There are hundreds, if not thousands of them.


Posted by goldielocks @ 7:47 on July 14, 2024  

That reminds me of the 6 Marines putting up the flag in Iwo Jima in WW11.


Posted by goldielocks @ 7:43 on July 14, 2024  

The Democrats are busy making up stories already. Communication is important to filter through it because all the lefties do is lie. There amongst other things like chronic critics, opportunits, narcissists, or major gaslighting manipulators. Now some of them are saying it was staged. Some stage, someone’s dead two in critical condition.others injured. Even a demo station CBS is running pretty accurately noting stories already starting up and will likely start up conflicts and trouble around the Republicans party conversation in Wisconsin.
Maga attendees said they saw a man climbing a building and reported it to the police but they didn’t do anything and they’re pizzed. A maga man pointed the guy out.to the police. He said you could clearly see him with a rifle and was climbing the building pointing it out to them and they acted dumb like they didn’t know what was going on and failed to act. Then he was trying to point to the secret service to look up to the roof and why weren’t they pulling Trump off the stage and then 5 shots rang out. Others also upset and angry said why weren’t they watching the perimeter.
One that died had a doctor close to him who saw him go down, He was shot in the head and he said there was brain matter on the ground but he tried to save him and gave CPR but he was gone.
Trump said he heard a whizzing sound next to him when the bullet hit his ear and shots and knew immediately what it was and took cover. That a witness said Trump raised his fist and said Fight Fight.
others there I saw raising their first saying USA over and over.
Steve Scalise spoke out how the left which would be right in some countries and vice versa but the left here caused the unprovoked name calling rhetoric including to stop them by any means that got him shot at the Republican baseball game and now they’re doing it again.
Demo campaign took some of their name calling signs down for fear of reprisal but the story’s still coming out on social media and MSN.
A friend said why hasn’t anyone shot Biden yet. Like why aren’t they fighting back. Tolerance is wearing. I said he’s already brain dead. That at the last election he told people he wasn’t worried about winning because there’s a group of people going to take care of that. That’s why they needed to hide him away in the basement.. Actually what’s happening to him by his own party and his wife isn’t thinking about him and is plain mean.They knew he was showing signs of Dementia and or Parkinson’s with his shuffled gait, tripping on stairways, falling off his bike which can also cause dementia .So what do they do, politicize it to make fun of him from his own party now that it can no longer be hidden.
Even young people think they’re crazy and unsatable.

SNG I haven’t got any info on Teleprompters but it’s not all that relevant cuz hard to know the real details coming out by both sides because we can’t trust them to be accurate, one will down play it, one will over play it, but the intent and security that may have let their guard down a bit. What it is, is a failure of communication and to secure the area from threats from these lunatics..That will cause suspicion and loss of trust they can keep Trump safe or anyone for that matter. It’s not going to stop them from attending. They’re big on the constitution and Freedom if speech number 1 they will not be shut down they’ll just speak more.

A guy in the plain site of attendees climbed a building with a rifle they could clearly see without binoculars and police failed to act or warn secret service and he got out 5 shots. He could have been stopped by citizens defending themselves or even Trump but all that security failed except the ones closest to him risking their young lives and security who stopped the shooter? Theyre guessing a long distance high powered 30 ot 6 or 223 could reach that distance and media not sure yet what the shooter had. My 30 it has 5 shots. another said it was a AR type rifle.
There will be a congressional investigation likely. That police or security that failed to act cost a life and possibly ly two others.
I guess Trump was saying something about he not his exact words could be retired living a good life instead of dealing in this toxic helter skelter what they’re doing to him but doing this for his country pretty close to the time of the shooting. So could Biden if he had a wife that cared enough about his progressive decline to protect him from these lunatics.

Thank God The Donald lives……

Posted by Maddog @ 5:13 on July 14, 2024  

and only God could have taken that amazing photo……


Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:49 on July 14, 2024  

Scenic New Hampshire



Posted by goldielocks @ 0:35 on July 14, 2024  

Sounds like that story coming from Canada is malarkey. He was shot.That if he didn’t turn his head to the right the bullet would if went through his head. We only know what the media announces. I trust Fox more than fake news.  I did hear Kennedy on Hannity not that he was there but Hannity was pressing he gets security too. The Demos denied him security as a candidate.


Posted by goldielocks @ 23:19 on July 13, 2024  

Update, Trump said Fight Fight

Here is a link to Fox news if you don’t get it there instead of leftist news

Who’s ever managing this site must be a Antifa or something because she fills it with spam and cuts it off. Scroll down to the numbers and hit 2 which is a little better or if she cuts it off when something is said positive if Trump or negative of the Demos. But if your away from your TV or don’t have the channel there it’s better than nothing.





Posted by goldielocks @ 22:54 on July 13, 2024  

That could be the case what your wife said.. Glad for Trump he wasn’t a good shot or responsible shooting a crowd. Sad for the ones who were shot.

They are projecting out everything dark they are on others. They I instigated this.

That doesn’t surprise me if Trump shouted out FU lol  People are using that word more often now cuz their fed up with them and where their country’s going.  F them sort of thing.

It used to be people could differ their opinions even argue and still be friends. Life would be awful boring if everyone were the same.

Party’s need to be eliminated though. Stop talking about the other looking for a fall guy and instead what they accomplished. The demos didn’t so now calling Trump Hitler or any names isn’t changing or making them better, it speaks for itself and  just fostering violence. That’s why party’s needs to go and term limited mandated but not a monarch either.

There’s a saying.

You value doesn’t decrease because of other achievements nor does it increase because of others failures



Goldie…yes thanks, I’m pretty well up on it.

Posted by silverngold @ 21:57 on July 13, 2024  

Wife said she heard the ear and facial cuts were caused by the bullet hitting the teleprompter and glass shards from it made the wounds. I saw, just as security was ready to  take him off the the stage, he had his fist in the air and it looked like he was shouting (to the shooter), FU, FU, FU! and his face looked mad enough to kill, or at least beat the crap out of the shooter if he could. Now I hear the shooter is dead and another person/spectator too.

He’s in my prayers that GOD will keep him safe, and I think GOD will…..    SnG

PS: Notice in much of the video footage John Kennedy Jr is in the audience just behind Trump…or at least the person that “they” claim is Kennedy.


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:08 on July 13, 2024  

A friend and I were taking on the phone, her husband  wanted to pay for us to go out to lunch and talking about the day I mentioned Armstrong event was coming in a BTW but don’t know what kind and she laughed not understanding his computers. She said they either want Trump silenced, in jail or dead. I told her how hypocritical the demo party was then all of a sudden she said someone tried to shoot Trump, Maga’s all upset, chaos broke out she was seeing on TV special news interruption..Trump has blood on his ear.
Shooter may have just grazed him. One attendee in the stands was killed tragically. His family’s going to be devastated. She didn’t see any medical from attendees around him or where the bullet lodged. If that was a bullet and Trump on replay when I turned it on showed him grab his ear during the shooting before he took cover and secret service covered him. If so he just barley missed a bullet to his head.
Shooting immediately started by security everywhere. Shooter is dead. You pobably know it by now.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.