OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

ferrett @ 21:57

Posted by ipso facto @ 23:06 on August 5, 2024  

Can’t say I’d disagree with any of that …

Only would add that it’s the fiat currency system that is the heart of many of the injustices, inequalities of the system. The rich benefit from inflation much more than those who can’t afford assets. Cheap money at the top of the pyramid enables the friends of the Fed to amass much more property than they would be able to otherwise. Thinking Blackrock buying up single family homes as an example. With a gold backed money system corruption would be greatly reduced. IMO

I will be out for a few days. Good luck to us!

Posted by ipso facto @ 22:58 on August 5, 2024  

ipso 21:19, yes, but:

Posted by ferrett @ 21:57 on August 5, 2024  

I think Kunstler’s article is very good – I’ve printed it out for future reference. And that includes his comment that this isn’t like 2008. But 2008 wasn’t like 2001. 2001 wasn’t like 1998 – remember 1998, and LTCM? Greenspasm said that if selected banks hadn’t injected $3.5bn to rescue LTCM then the global economy would have collapsed. Even in 1998 $3.5bn (yes, billion) was an utterly insignificant amount of money, but it allowed the transfer of wealth to those banks. The lies were no smaller then than they are now. Each time they find a different way out of the collapse. Each time sees the redistribution of wealth upward. The republicrat party always survives the scandals. The sheeple become dumber and dumber, the intellectuals more idiotic, everyone more accepting as to what is placed in front of them. The easy way is the one always taken. Definitions are changed to suit the times. Words mean whatever people want them to mean. If you are against the jews you are anti-semitic. Whoever says that is an idiot. Semites are a language group, not a race or a nationality. It includes people who speak hebrew, arabic, maltese, amharic etc. Just because a german idiot tried to make a name for himself 150 years ago with the phrase doesn’t mean the sheeple have to do the same. As a start for getting back to sanity let’s commence by using the right words. Anti-Israeli, or maybe anti-zionist. Herd immunity can be obtained from exposure to the disease. Capitalism is an economic system based upon capital, and we have never had a capitalist society in recorded history, any so-called capitalist economy is based on debt, often called ‘loan capital’ to make it sound right. We live in a debtist economy, and that’s where all the problems stem from.


Posted by ipso facto @ 21:19 on August 5, 2024  

You understand this can’t play out like it did in 2008-9. The authorities are out of tricks and out of fake money. They can try the emergency interest rate cut, but it won’t change what is actually happening: the epic revaluation of everything humans make and own — with much of it losing value and quite a bit losing all value because it never really had any. The spooky catch is that there will be an attempt, in this wild and terrifying process, for certain devious, unprincipled parties to take possession of many things shaking loose — what remains of collateral. . . real things. . . commodities. . . facilities. . . properties. . . chattels. . . artworks. . . and, of course, whatever securities still have a relationship to realities of production.
This brings a sharp end to the current political sitcom, especially the situation of the Democratic Party. They will get blamed for the economic carnage left behind by the shattered money system. They lied about everything for years, every number, every index, every supposed “policy”.


Black Monday on Redacted!

Posted by silverngold @ 21:15 on August 5, 2024  


Posted by silverspike @ 21:06 on August 5, 2024  

Words fail me–you are very generous-great reply and all true !

Welcome silverspike!

Posted by ipso facto @ 21:01 on August 5, 2024  


Posted by ferrett @ 20:52 on August 5, 2024  

0.04%. And yes, at 0.02% it’s game over for all the plants as they don’t have enough food.


Posted by Buygold @ 20:46 on August 5, 2024  

Yes. Carbon content in the atmosphere currently sits at 0.3%. Very low. If it drops to 0.2% we start an ice age.

All of it is a lie. Every bit of it.

Hi spike

Posted by ferrett @ 20:44 on August 5, 2024  

Back in early 1998, maybe late ’97, so before Robina, a few guys were gathered at our place studying graphs of US debt that we’d downloaded from a 56kb dial-up connection. Hillary was in the White House and the debt was rocketing, over $4tn and going hyperbolic. There’s no way it couldn’t not reach $6tn by the end of her term and we’re telling each other how totally unsustainable it all was, collapse was imminent, the EOTW was nigh, SIX TRILLION DOLLARS!!! Must buy gold. And I did, a bit, also partly as Y2K insurance (how many of you are now feeling old, 56k, Clintons, Y2K, US debt only petty cash ….).


Then 2001, 2008, 2020. Crisis after crisis. Liquifaction after liquifaction. We bought a house in 1998 for $195k. It’s a better house, bigger block than the one next door that’s just sold for over $1.2m. And yet, when we bought the house, gold was AUD440. The house has increased by c. 520%, and gold by 740%. Even if it was an investment property, gold has outperformed after rental income, property taxes, insurance, repairs and renovations, income tax, capital gains tax, horrible tenants etc. are taken into account.

So gold has done alright, especially in the last five years (in AUD), even as people continued to knock it. In addition to all the old canards that we yarned about in the early noughties: Fort Knox emptied, rehypothecation of leased gold, US$100,000 per ounce if all dollars were backed by gold, spike cornering the silver market etc; we now have China as a big buyer, other central banks building up their reserves, some serious conflict in the world with either Ukraine or Israel as triggers for WWIII, debt now 900% higher than 1998 (funny you picked 900%!); so really not much has changed. The potential for gold is still there, but you have to ask yourself, in a crash – who will buy? Not the mum and dad investors; I think we’re looking to the CBs to propel it “to da moon”.

Can they kick it down the road again? Will be having the same conversation in 2035? 1998, 2001, 2008, 2020, 2024, 2030 and now 2035? I dunno, spike, nobody knows, we knew nothing twenty years ago and I think we know less now.

But for the moment, as goldilocks always said, “give me volatility or give me death”!! Not that I’m trading anything other than popcorn futures.


Greetings Ferret

Posted by silverspike @ 19:29 on August 5, 2024  

Nice post on how to bury some more Govt Bonds–what about activating that

more than capable brain of yours and working out how the precious metals leap in value by about

900% and be quick because we’re running out of time !

Listen to the truth and stop believing the lie which is to enslave and control us! CO2 ENRICHES the earth, it does not destroy it.

Posted by silverngold @ 12:54 on August 5, 2024  

Would like to see silver

Posted by Buygold @ 12:35 on August 5, 2024  

come back a little bit, finish down $.50 or so. I guess tough with the dollar coming back. Gold not horrible.

Unreal how much they brought NVDA back.

Rates turned up

Posted by Buygold @ 12:11 on August 5, 2024  

Dollar coming back. Bitcoin losses cut in half



Posted by Buygold @ 11:20 on August 5, 2024  

Oddly enough, it looks like we’re tied to the QQQ’s

I guess that’s OK for the moment while they’re coming back. 🤔

If the stock market completely craters

Posted by deer79 @ 10:32 on August 5, 2024  

…….there’s definitely no question as to what the algorithms will do to the metals and miners…..

PPT arrived

Posted by Buygold @ 10:06 on August 5, 2024  

Everything bid except pm’s, although pm shares getting a small bid.

Dollar bid, bonds selling off. Bitcoin bid. QQQ’s have cut their losses in half.

Amazing what an endless supply of fiat can do.

What a fake reality we live in.

Buffet’s probably kicking himself for not selling more

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:01 on August 5, 2024  


Posted by Buygold @ 9:53 on August 5, 2024  

has Aladdin chipping away at the QQQ’s. I think pretty soon Blackrock will own everything.

Looks like some professional covering going on in the pm market too. Hard to tell though if it’s just tied to the SM coming back. Almost seems like everything trades together anymore.

this mornings waterfall looks so natural

Posted by eeos @ 9:38 on August 5, 2024  

and the moves continue to get larger.

Gut feeling

Posted by Buygold @ 9:36 on August 5, 2024  

Things are going to look a bit different at the close.

Could just be gas though…


Posted by Buygold @ 9:28 on August 5, 2024  

Could be. Everything that has worked for over the last decade isn’t working right now. Kind of have to wonder how everyone will be able to unwind their positions at once.

Might be to our advantage that no one holds pm’s anymore.

We’re off the lows a bit. I know we’ll never be allowed to come all the way back, but it does appear there’s some buying/short covering going on in the last half hour.

I wonder if the Plunge Protection Team opened their doors this am? They haven’t had to be active since maybe Covid. Have to like where we are relative to 2020 with Covid. We should be in a much stronger position. “SHOULD BE” 🙂

A Classic

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:18 on August 5, 2024  

Buygold @ 8:56

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:05 on August 5, 2024  

With this kind of market action you have to think that some of the financial institutions are on the verge of blowing up! How leveraged are they? Gold (physical) may be doing poorly right now but surely it WILL be the last man standing.

Commercials getting flat…

Posted by Buygold @ 9:03 on August 5, 2024  

now that would be something to behold.

Everything is pm bullish today. 10 yr. down another 12 bips to 4.62%. Dollar down near 1% – odd to see the dollar down in this scenario. Rates have literally fallen 1/2% in the last week or so. Who needs a rate cut?

Wall street, K-street, and the Biden/Obama/Harris administration will be screaming for cuts if this lasts a few days.

Silver just came back 1%.

What a time to be alive!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.