OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ipso 19:07

Posted by aufever @ 19:11 on August 12, 2024  

Sorry to bother you.
I have no idea…is the winner so far.
Those people know their stùff.

Maddog @ 18:45

Posted by ipso facto @ 19:11 on August 12, 2024  

Take care of yourself!


Posted by aufever @ 19:08 on August 12, 2024  

Yeah, big move for them.
You said you will be out few days — are you well, or no?

aufever Here you go. Seems like it should be easier to reproduce. Start May 16

Posted by ipso facto @ 19:07 on August 12, 2024  

Gold/silver ratio is currently under 75. What will it be in 6 months?

Over 75 1
70-75 1
65-70 2
60-65 6
50-60 6
Under 50 6
I have no idea 9

Trump-Musk interview on X at 8:00

Posted by aufever @ 19:05 on August 12, 2024  

Could be interesting.

Buygold 18:56

Posted by ferrett @ 18:58 on August 12, 2024  

I very much doubt it.

silverngold @ 17:20

Posted by ipso facto @ 18:52 on August 12, 2024  

I’d rather have him go to a non country club prison for the rest of his life which if he did get jabbed 6 times is not likely to be long!



Posted by Buygold @ 18:46 on August 12, 2024  

Do you guys really believe he is vaccinated?

I have my doubts he’s ever been vaxxed.

Gonna be out for next few days. !!!!

Posted by Maddog @ 18:45 on August 12, 2024  

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 18:44 on August 12, 2024  

Catching up still …but I see Sprott Juniors were up 7.5 % today vs 3.5 % for gdxj …and it was not a top ten holding…so some smaller Sprott shares must have been up huge….

Fauci (it means “jaws” in Italian)

Posted by ferrett @ 18:30 on August 12, 2024  

is showing how incredibly stupid he is. Who would boast of having had six shots in the same sentence as saying he’s caught it for the third time?


Posted by aufever @ 18:24 on August 12, 2024  

Can you publish the poll results from a couple of months ago about the gold/silver ratio and where it would be in 6 months?
It was mid-70s at the time.
Okay, team, who said over 85? Anyone?
Im sure most of us expect it to come down.

ipso facto @ 15:48…. COVID is nothing but an ACRONYM meaning Certificate Of Vaccine IDentification….so….

Posted by silverngold @ 17:20 on August 12, 2024  

….aside from becoming a multimillionaire from the jab patents that have killed and/or sterilized at least 60% of the world population to date, now he says he’s infected with COVID??? Poor guy. Must be difficult to be infected with an ACRONYM……Hope he RIP’s!

Not a bad day for the good guys. Nice to know the shares can still go up!

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:11 on August 12, 2024  

Wow that’s effective! LOL

Posted by ipso facto @ 15:48 on August 12, 2024  

Dr. Fauci Admits He’s Infected With COVID For Third Time After Being “Vaccinated And Boosted Six Times”


Let’s see………………..

Posted by LurkerSince95 @ 14:56 on August 12, 2024  

i bought gold eagles in 1999 before Y2K  at 250……. now 25 years latter  it has only gone up 1000%

Oil is up almost 3% above $79 now

Posted by Buygold @ 13:32 on August 12, 2024  

At the gym, the only place I’m forced to watch FOX, they are beating the war drums pretty loudly as if Iran may strike tonight. US moving massive naval firepower into position to thwart whatever attack from Iran.

Maybe that’s also what we’re seeing in gold?

Captain has a beat on the futures, but the COT just looks to me like the funds are taking their bats and ball and going home, at least in silver.

CFTC Commitments of Traders Report – CMX (Futures Only)

Glad we’re up. GLD closing in on a triple top, which should break higher in a real market.

Today is an unexpected gift. 🙂


Maddog @ 12:15

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:54 on August 12, 2024  

I know what you mean.

There is zero excitement in the shares with the exception of larger producers.

Unfortunately, if there is a larger correction in the equity complex in Fall the juniors will not likely improve much until credit conditions improve coming out of seasonal lows. (November or December)

The next Fed meeting could spark something a little more interesting going into next year.

We will have to see.

September is a pivot month – usually a low – but this year could be a high that lasts into next year if the draw down in stox is profound enough.

The question is how long does such a top last?

The inverse head and shoulders patterns in many key charts across the sector are poised to breakout any time. (and they are big)

So, hang onto your shorts.



Posted by Buygold @ 12:53 on August 12, 2024  

Definitely have to get through the PPI and then of course the CPI. Never know what they’ll do on that news, especially if we finish strong.

Nonetheless, the last few days have been solid, gold in particular. I have no idea why the strength, especially after they beat us back last week.
There are plenty of good reasons for us to be up and have been for a lot of years. Surprisingly, one them is not a weak dollar or 0% rates. So, is it war coming? BRICS? Or are the warehouses at Crimex and LBMA finally running out?

Good to see the shares confirming, the SM isn’t exactly strong.

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 12:15 on August 12, 2024  


This Gold mkt will not die…….Silver, Pall, Plat and the stoxs have a load of catching up to do …they could really fly….


Posted by Maddog @ 12:10 on August 12, 2024  

Yup I saw a lot of that……..May have done a fast C wave down …..and back tested the breakout and the 50 day Av’s….could be well set …only problem is that it may mean a serious escalation in Israel !!!!

Maddog @ 11:38

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:44 on August 12, 2024  

Welcome back.

I’ve uncrossed some of the more sensitive parts but everything else is still firmly in place. (chuckle)

Let’s see what kind of games they have for us this week starting tomorrow with the PPI.

Another good weekly close could send prices surging into September. (an intermediate – 2-year cycle top?)



Posted by ipso facto @ 11:41 on August 12, 2024  

Welcome back Amigo!

You missed quite a few cosh sessions!

deer79 @ 11:10

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:40 on August 12, 2024  

Gotta like those premiums!

Hi All

Posted by Maddog @ 11:38 on August 12, 2024  

am back at last…after quite a few adventures, which are still not ended….

I see everything tanked and then the scum shiite themselves and opened up the taps….quelle surprise.

Looks like Gold is gonna drag all PM and shares into a bull mkt, whether they like it or not…..those 15 week and 50 day Av’s have held perfectly.

Good call mr Copper….and the Captain.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.