OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ipso 23:26

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:06 on August 30, 2024  

I’m still out and doing better even quitting smoking, I think but check in here and there.

About those gangs. Your sisters thinking like the Titanic unfortunately that won’t sink, untill the see it taking on water and it’s too late. Especially if they wait a generation and can’t deport them.

What will happen next and probably will they’ll recruit other criminals to come over and take up residence as people leave and fill up these apartments with gang members from one to the next especially if the owner is a slum lord or getting money from the government to house them. They will target any affordable housing first putting a strain on the people needing it. Meanwhile they will go out of that neighborhood  committing crime sprees to surrounding areas and businesses in the city until it becomes unrecognizable as an American city but one from the delapadated crime city’s they came.They know nothing but crime and that city showing fear instead of stomping out the fire before it grows will just embolden them and begin to spread fast with more recruits  on the way.

They will then take over these city’s. As more people move and more recruits come in it will just grow like a cancer from one city to the next. They better arrest them, DNA and fingerprint them, deport and put them on a watch list as a persona non grata, if they return they will be arrested,, they won’t pass go, they won’t collect money or free nada but a jail cell and deported again. If they fear them now imagine when they start shooting the cops and kidnapping people and they even fear going to these neighborhoods. So if they fear now it isn’t nothing compared to when they organize and form hit squads. They better get them out now.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.