OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by ipso facto @ 18:41 on August 16, 2024  

Glad I don’t live in a condo … on the coast …. with seawater getting to the rebar … looking at a monstrous demand for money I don’t have from the condo assoc.!

Gotta have respect for those Roman builders. Building for a thousand years instead of 50.

ipso 14:06 it’s the rebar (reo).

Posted by ferrett @ 17:33 on August 16, 2024  

Depending on how well the concrete is poured, and the quality of the mix, reinforced concrete can last up to a hundred years. Or as little as twenty, especially by the sea. Water eventually seeps in, rusts the rebar which expands and cracks the concrete. If salt water seeps in then the process is vastly accelerated. Some friends own a condo up the coast, on the seafront. Third, top storey. After they bought it they realised that they were not allowed to make any external repairs, or even paint it outside, it had to be done by the body corporate. And if the BC wanted it done, they had no option. Initially they were not happy (they had a leaky window frame, a bit of bog should stop it, but it was $’000s for a professional job – keep the water out of the building structure, not just out of the condo), but then I pointed out the almost identical block next door where the concrete cancer was all too clear. One set of external stairs had already been replaced. All the balconies had chunks of concrete falling off the underneath, and you could see the rusty rebar, or what was left of it. You could see where rust in the bottom balcony had pushed the pillar upwards so that the top balcony was an inch higher at the front than the back. How you repair a balcony when it’s poured as part of the floor, I don’t know, but they’ve now done it and I’m guessing $$$$ were a big part of the answer. Age about 45 years.

Of course, this is only the concrete you can see. You can only maintain the concrete you can see, and access. If you want to check a condo out, start in the underground carpark around the bases of the pillars.

One hundred years. Condos, tower blocks, bridges, tunnels, dams. And if you’re wondering how all those Roman concrete buildings are still standing, e.g. the Pantheon – no rebar. Proper engineering.

When you listen to Rafi …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 15:21 on August 16, 2024  

… you will understand why PMs are at a major turning point … with gold poised to gain up to 24 times if history repeats.

Rafi Farber: 1970s Are Repeating, and That Is Good News for Gold – YouTube

Good way to go into the weekend.

Cheers all

If we can hold in the last hour here

Posted by Buygold @ 15:10 on August 16, 2024  

We’ll have new highs in the HUI and gold.

Silver looking good too, and better volume in GLD and SLV.

We’ve been scraping by on light volume all summer, at some point bigger money has got to take notice.



Posted by Buygold @ 13:43 on August 16, 2024  

Has now given up all of yesterday’s gains. Should never have been up yesterday on that cruddy data to begin with.

Lot’s of sellers sitting on $2500. Must be a big level for someone. 🥱

WTF $224,000 condo assessment in Florida

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:06 on August 16, 2024  

Condo market in Florida is freaking out with massive assessments.

$240,000 for this person. It is driving many out of their condos because they cannot afford the fees.

New law in Florida is requiring that condos increase reserve funds for maintenance and inspections after collapse of a building a few years ago.


Captain Hook

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:52 on August 16, 2024  

Thank Goodness!

Maybe reality is asserting itself …

ipso facto @ 12:34

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:48 on August 16, 2024  

Yes that’s a nice 5 wave advance.

Look for a little correction – then more gains.

Developers are getting some liquidity now.

Explorers will be next.


SP seems to be saying that Ascot is making progress with their mine start up … who knows!

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:34 on August 16, 2024  

Everything crossed.



Posted by Buygold @ 12:31 on August 16, 2024  

Yeah 10x volume already


Posted by Buygold @ 12:29 on August 16, 2024  

Someone just lit a fire under silver. This is unexpected.💪😎

Buygold re: Mawson

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:28 on August 16, 2024  

Pretty giant volume too! No news that I have found.

Nice to see that the PM shares can move when the POG does! There were some doubts for a bit.

Stagflation and war …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:21 on August 16, 2024  

… are coming.


Chuckle … snort … again


Posted by Buygold @ 11:06 on August 16, 2024  

Good, and may they take the rest of the naked short banks down with them.


Posted by Buygold @ 11:04 on August 16, 2024  

Your little Mawson is getting some love today, up 15% on heavy volume.

Schwab doesn’t have news on it, but someone is taking an interest.

Oh oh …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:49 on August 16, 2024  

The potential 11 tonne naked short on August gold may be a BANK. Any bailout would be nearly double the size of prior bailouts.

The potential 11 tonne naked short on August gold may be a BANK. Any bailout would be nearly double the size of prior bailouts. (substack.com)

Chuckle … snort

Aye Captain

Posted by Buygold @ 10:48 on August 16, 2024  

Just saw your post.

Yep, our taxpayer dollars at work, trying to reverse the days early gains. Hopefully the good guys will re-group here.

Got a feeling the day is not over just yet. Not sure we’ll be able to re-tag $2500, but we’ve stopped the waterfall for the moment. No doubt they’ll be back soon.

With you on a strong weekly close. Like the way the shares have performed. What is amazing is that gold has achieved this without the help of the dollar or 0% rates. Imagine if the dollar starts to weaken in the index. That’s how bad things really are.

News? What news? Is there a war or something? Economic problems somewhere? 🙂

The only thing I know is that Kamala Harris is going to fix it. 43% of demonrat consumers think so, and we know they are the really smart ones. 🙂

I’ll take it easy at gold $5K in December. 🙂

Housing starts falling

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:14 on August 16, 2024  


Have a few things to do. BBL


Posted by ipso facto @ 10:09 on August 16, 2024  

I imagine afterwards he bought his helmet a drink … and then downed both of them!

Yes, the drone couldn’t have been too heavy with explosives. Pretty darn scary moment for that fellow!

Captain Hook

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:05 on August 16, 2024  

Looking forward to $2500+! $2500 is one of those ROUND ROUND numbers, sure to attract some attention!


First breach of $2500

Posted by Buygold @ 10:04 on August 16, 2024  

Got to $2500.70, brought in a little selling but not a big dump. Hopefully the longs are reloading, or the shorts get some stops triggered.

OK – now we’re getting a dump, coinciding with 10 am. Silver pushed negative, some selling of the shares.

This is scum action for sure.


Posted by Buygold @ 9:45 on August 16, 2024  

Says a little about the content of the explosive. Must not have much in the way of shrapnel, or I doubt he’d walk away. Probably adds too much weight.  Almost like tying a bunch of M-80’s together hoping simply that the blast will cause disablement.

God bless him though, that was quick thinking.

Darn, we just hit $2497

ipso facto @ 9:14

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:42 on August 16, 2024  

Nice find.


Take it easy.

Look for a strong weekly close to signal more gains next week.

They are unleashing draconian amounts of taxpayer funded digits on Comex to keep PMs tamped down – but have you seen the news lately – chuckle.

Gold over the large round number at $2500 should trigger more gains in silver and the shares – especially as gold heads above $2600.

Cheers mates


Posted by ipso facto @ 9:35 on August 16, 2024  

That’s right! You are!

He may have a bit of a headache!

Wow, that Russian soldier is a stud!

Posted by Buygold @ 9:34 on August 16, 2024  

He reminds me of myself. Kinda. 🙂

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.