OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Maya whatcha testing? Check your photos every day

Posted by Bob @ 8:50 on August 9, 2024  

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:06 on August 9, 2024  

Just Testing


ferrett @ 18:29

Posted by Captain Hook @ 22:46 on August 8, 2024  

That’s the whole point.

All those companies are gone.

Supply is non-existent and few new mines are coming.

And we will be going to more forms of commodity money as time goes on as well.

I remain optimistic.

But I won’t buy into non-PM commodity plays again until PMs are much higher, and the ratios are topping out.

Two to four years out from this fall.


Joke. Seriously

Posted by aufever @ 19:11 on August 8, 2024  

What do you get if you cross an insomniac with an athiest with a dyslexic?
Soneone who stays up all night, wondering if there really is a …..


Captain 12.23

Posted by ferrett @ 18:29 on August 8, 2024  

Turning our brains to mush. Too true.

Not sure that the commodities will be good this time around. Last time (2001 onwards, as you point out) China was continuing to boost its GDP with fake projects – ghost towns, roads and rail to nowhere – and exporting steel at below cost price which boosts demand overseas as well as eliminating foreign competition.

Now China is forecasting reduced steel consumption. Iron ore is below $100. Copper is below the 2011 peak, in spite of the green revolution. Reduced steel means reduced metallurgical coal. And some of the BRICS are major suppliers, not consumers, of commodities.

If Trump wins, and the Dems are doing their best to help (The Kamala Waltz, by Johann Strauss, a vigorously dodgy little dance), then oil and gas in the US will be opened up, so more supply as we go into a recession will pressure prices downward too.

One thing is for sure, I won’t be buying back into any of the commodity shares I had in 2001-2007. They’ve all, without exception, gone bust.

Aufever Ha!

Posted by Buygold @ 14:50 on August 8, 2024  

Captain said “they think they are God’s.”

What you said reminded me of this passage.

26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.

27 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

28 “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

29 Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”

The “children” he refers to are the Jews. He is their bread.

deer79 @ 11:55

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:23 on August 8, 2024  

The game with the shares … and it is a twist of classic Game Theory … is to turn a small amount of money into a lot of money. (because the risks are high)

Unfortunately, a lot of PM share investors lost their minds these past few years with returns in tech (especially Bitcon) so alluring (making them feel like they are missing out), so they allocated far more to the shares than they should have because of greed.

The whiff of greed in the market(s) is and was overwhelming.

The entire exercise is and was to turn peoples’ brains to sh*t so that they can be more easily exploited … and the banker’s bubble economies can go on forever. (They think themselves gods like Egyptian and Roman contemporaries – spaced 2000 years apart in the larger cycles – this being the final epoch.)

Now we have a crash and reliquification attempt coming once again, only this time, commodities should be the big winners because of both demand (think BRICs) and supply (think supply chain dislocations) factors keeping prices high – which will in turn cause big problems for the real estate, stock, and bond markets.

So, PM/commodity related shares should benefit in times of more stable liquidity – just like they did between 2001 and 2011.

Here, well researched and selected smaller positions are quite possibly not a bad idea.

Of course some will go all in – no matter.

All I can say is sleep well – if you haven’t jumped off a building already.

Cheers all

‘Thanks’ to our ‘leaders’

Posted by aufever @ 12:14 on August 8, 2024  

For allowing G&S to have a tiny positive increment with your GOD, er, DOW rising.

Captain Hook

Posted by deer79 @ 11:55 on August 8, 2024  

I just listened to a bit of the video that you posted (thanks for posting it).
Andy S. said something very interesting. I don’t recall his exact words, but he said something like most investment funds have something like a half of 1 percent invested in metals and metal equities. As trust in our government and the fiat fades, he thinks that number could rise to 5%, maybe even 10%. If that’s the case, mining stocks will rise like a meteor (he mentioned something like, a lot more than the rise we’ve seen in NVDA).

I know………we’ve heard a similar line for a long time now. I do think we’re closer to the end than we’ve ever been. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds……

Buygold @ 11:38

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:48 on August 8, 2024  

No, I wasn’t referring to anybody.

If somebody is reading this and a light goes on … so be it.

I do think the shares will outperform considerably for years from whatever low we see this Fall – but the confiscation / broad collapse risk (in the shares) moving forward is suggestive only small positions should be risked / considered.

Have a good one.



Posted by Buygold @ 11:38 on August 8, 2024  

Yep. Gold has held up well.

Didn’t know the BRICS were meeting now. Typical media blackout I guess. Would think ZH would cover though.

When you say “you should jump in” surely you aren’t referring to me. I own nothing but phyzz and some real estate.

Buygold @ 10:38

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:57 on August 8, 2024  

I think it was all staged.

Oh the yen carry trade is no longer a good idea – no really – we haven’t turned this into a suicide mission – no really … honest.

They have to get gold and silver down as far as possible with the BRICs meetings going on etc.

Just listen to Andy Schectman on this subject and more. (Listen to the compliment Shawn gives Andy at the end – won’t hear that every day.)

So, they were able to club silver like a baby seal – but gold is a stallion – holding above $2400 despite their best efforts to tamp it down.

Is it BRICs buying? Is it a deteriorating debt market(s)?

Frankly Scarlet … I don’t give a damn.

Just keep it up boyz.

Western idiots will figure out they have to buy sooner or later as well.

Better ‘jump in’ like you do with all your other crap before PMs are revalued higher.


Posted by Buygold @ 10:38 on August 8, 2024  

Shortest SM crash in history.

Aladdin must have caught a whole bunch of folks on the short side. Maybe even in GLD and SLV

Shares underperformance

Posted by Buygold @ 9:41 on August 8, 2024  

Two bits says this gets reversed

That’s odd, the weekly jobless claims doesn’t usually impact the markets like this

Posted by Buygold @ 9:11 on August 8, 2024  

The dollar has completely turned, rates as well. 10 yr. @ 3.99% vs. 3.91 earlier. Oil up, SM well up.

Course, this takes some air out of pm’s. and why not? That’s the most important thing to them. Add to that the usual 9 am bullshit and you get metals well off their highs of the morning. So typical.

Doesn’t make sense, seems like something else is going on

Stocks Surge On Small Drop In Initial Jobless Claims; Continuing Claims Hits 33-Month High

teaser image

…continuing jobless claims rose to 1.875mm Americans – the highest since Nov 2021

Trying to bounce

Posted by Buygold @ 7:25 on August 8, 2024  

Dollar and rates are down a little. Rates down 3 bips. Bitcoin up 4% and all the way back to Monday’s level. SM futures mixed but mostly flat. Oil flat.

So, maybe we’ll get to bounce a little today and try to catch up with Bitcoin. Good start this am for sure and picking up some steam. Gold now at $2412 up $28.  Silver up $.40 – unfortunately, silver has a long way to go to get back to Monday’s level. Gold, OTOH only has another $30 or so.

PM shares are firm but not anywhere near impressive, so who knows whether we’ll hold the gains, probably depends on whether the SM continues to tumble. Regardless, I’m surprised we’re bouncing at all. No news out there that I can see, and the eco data is nothing special.

What a surprise it would be if the metals turned up from here and ignored the SM. Hope stinks eternal. 🙂

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:26 on August 8, 2024  

Crossing the High bridge


@ Lurker RE: your 20:38 Post – “what happens – when?

Posted by drb2 @ 0:26 on August 8, 2024  

Just like a carpenter uses different hammers for different tasks, use different PM products for different financial circumstances / social conditions.

For instance:

Junk Silver Coins for small purchases

Silver Eagles for trusted tradespeople and merchants

Gold coins if the SHTF and you need to get out of Dodge

Brokerages & Exchanges for large transactions

Lurker, I don’t think that’s the way it works

Posted by ferrett @ 0:01 on August 8, 2024  

in a SnG melt up. The higher it goes the more people are desperate to get in. At $100 per ounce the dealer will be calling you (if he knows you’ve got it). That was the case at Easter a few years back when silver shot up, the bullion guys were calling wanting as many 400 oz bars as you could supply. And any other stuff too.

Maybe establish a relationship with a bullion dealer as well as the coin guy?

what happens –when ?

Posted by LurkerSince95 @ 20:38 on August 7, 2024  

an interesting question and answer session on YouTube  with a well known coin dealer.

he can handle $20 ,   and $30,  and maybe $40  per ounce when people come in for cash !

maybe at $50 silver he calls his wholesaler if they can buy it from him….. then wholesaler ships it to a refiner.

but what happens at $100/ounce  or more ???—- the refiner says no more they have enough,  the wholesaler

closes his door and the coin dealer goes out of business !!!!!! and the customer–you and me– are stuck with

a pile of metal !!!!!   and yes it is good to have some for barter  but if you got 10,000 ounces——————-


Buygold @ 17:52

Posted by Captain Hook @ 18:53 on August 7, 2024  

Yes they will definitely try to steal as much gold (and silver? – never been confiscated) as possible.

I prefer silver right now due to confiscation risk – especially at 90 to 1.


LurkerSince95 @ 14:38…Thanks for the nderf,org site. I’ll enjoy other’s n. d. experiences since I’ve had some very close calls myself….

Posted by silverngold @ 18:07 on August 7, 2024  

But after such experiences, when I found I was still “here”,  I knew I still had work to do….so I continue listening to my Higher Power and trying to do what’s right… ….and that is why I chose the name Silverngold…. because it is a good description of my entire life…..which, through hard work and several successful careers, has all been Silverngold. I have silver from $5.50 and gold from $350. I put $70,000 into the stock market and took out well over a $million….but with BlackRock and Aladdin now controlling the stock and Derivative markets, unless they want PM stocks to go up, they won’t….but they can’t control the actual value of physical silver or gold and what it will buy…. and with the old Ponzi banking system bankrupting, and the new one world digital/crypto system on the horizon… and the Mark of the Beast system about to surface…..the only thing that MAY have a chance to survive what’s coming, IMO, is an underground system backed by pure silver and gold.



Posted by Buygold @ 17:52 on August 7, 2024  

Well, I hope so brother. That would make the whole evolution worthwhile. 🙂

Those are things that dreams are made of. I wonder if we would see machinations of that type of event in the pm markets prior to it happening. They are terrible at keeping things secret and no doubt they’d let their billionaire buddies in on it before it happened.

Oil had a strong day; I’m wondering if Iran’s about ready to rumble in the next day or two.

Buygold @ 16:11

Posted by Captain Hook @ 16:39 on August 7, 2024  

When they are forced to shore up their balance sheets, gold will be revalued to somewhere over $25k and silver to 3k.

Those are the numbers I am looking for … and it can happen overnight.

At some point, the politicos in charge at that time are going to say to themselves they have to do it or be on watch when it all goes down.

It’s always about real time political expediency and the people involved are generally morons so don’t think it can’t happen.

It can happen overnight.

You see them start to confiscate any accounts that are not nailed down it will be coming soon after that.

Get ready

Lurker, Captain

Posted by Buygold @ 16:11 on August 7, 2024  

Lurker – thanks for sharing the NDE website. Funny, I’m more worried about living than dying. 🙂

Captain – hope you’re right because I’m sure most of us have more silver than we do gold. 7 or 5 to 1 would be spectacular, I just have a hard time seeing $5K gold and $1K silver. I suppose maybe if the dollar was backed by silver again it’s possible.

You called it with the shares crashing with the SM. The shares are so ugly compared to the SM and the metals. Terrible. Problem for the shares is that the crash might just be getting started. Metals too, although gold held up relatively well today.

Still no volume in the shares, you’d think that for the size of the move everyone and his brother are selling them. Scum games.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.