OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

silverngold @ 14:18

Posted by Captain Hook @ 16:03 on August 7, 2024  

I think it will go to the natural ratio at 7 and maybe even overshoot to below 5.

The days of Western bankers calling the shots are over.

Take that to the bank.


SNG $3600 seems light to me

Posted by Buygold @ 15:08 on August 7, 2024  

if this is anywhere near what we experienced in 2001-02, we should be able to get 5-6 X out of gold. $10K minimum. That is just based on the country and world staying as it is currently.

Silver is anyone’s guess, it’s a poor man’s metal, so $120 might be possible but the ratio thing will never be 15-1 again or even 30-1 JMHO

Course, we may not even be a country a year from now, so it may not matter. We have all these plans. God just laughs.

silverngold to the moon

Posted by LurkerSince95 @ 14:38 on August 7, 2024  

10,000 accounts of near death experiences

(nderf,org )

the end will happen when silver goes to the moon—- whenever that happens

your quess is as good as mine,  but i had my stash for Y2K  and still happy, wealthy, and wise

Really surprising

Posted by Buygold @ 14:38 on August 7, 2024  

that gold is actually hugging the flat line because they are murdering the pm shares right now. I like that gold is holding, but it’s hard to see gold continuing to hold the line with the shares and silver down. Silver has really acted like garbage.

What a depressing sector.

Ya Know? At Least, A Silver .25 Cent Piece Will Still Buy A Slice Of Pizza and A Coke.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:30 on August 7, 2024  

You may need two silver quarters for a pack of cigarettes though.

Captain Hook @ 13:12…Thanks…I have it on good authority (my Higher Power) the final physical S/G ratio will be 30……

Posted by silverngold @ 14:18 on August 7, 2024  

….and it will happen when gold tops at ~$3600 and silver tops at ~$120.

What I don’t know, or even want to know, is what the world will look like when that happens!

All the Best from Silverngold

The crash resumes

Posted by Buygold @ 14:08 on August 7, 2024  

DIA down .22%, QQQ down .26%, HUI down 2.85%, SLV down .1.1%,

GLD up .04% but fading fast, can’t have gold up in a down SM.

Funny how in down markets pm’s always outperform to the downside by a wide margin.



The MACD …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 13:12 on August 7, 2024  

… on the Gold / Silver Ratio is just a touch over-extended (heavy on the sarcasm).

And open interest (OI) in futures for both gold and silver are coming down.

Metals Daily Exchange Volume & Open Interest – CME Group

Should find a bottom sooner rather than later … whatever that means these days. (~450K in Comex gold OI)

This is very good considering gold is still vexing $2400 and acting like a stallion today in spite of the algos and other crap the commies throw at it non-stop.

Cheers all

And the beat goes on

Posted by Buygold @ 11:59 on August 7, 2024  

Day 4

Buygold Lion & eloro

Posted by overton @ 11:05 on August 7, 2024  

As a subscriber to Michael Oliver , he attaches his sons Jr mining picks and he had Lion & Eloro  on his list.  The old man uses more momentum charts and he is more of  the type who  mostly buys calls on gdx , slv, and some sprott  au/ag funds.

His son had Eloro and Lion on on his list in late July and uses 40 week average on whether he buys them and most his other picks are under that 40 week avg.

Anyone that was new to pm Jr shares that I know and bought jr’s has already took their losses and ain’t ever buying them again.

You’ve heard “one man’s TRASH is another man’s TREASURE”?

Posted by silverngold @ 11:05 on August 7, 2024  

Well, here’s one I just made up: “One man’s CRASH is another man’s PLEASURE”!

Stop crying and start buying….and enjoy the day with Silverngold! ;o)


Problem is that the only thing crashing during this season

Posted by Buygold @ 10:14 on August 7, 2024  

is silver. That little mini-crash on Monday in the SM is already over (although I doubt it really is), but silver just keeps going in the tank. Silver is now in a bear market from the recent highs already. Geesh. Mission accomplished.

BTW – there was an interview with a Harris operative on FOX yesterday. He claimed that the Fed will be coming out with a .50 or .75 basis point cut in September. What the heck does he know?





Thank you Captain Hook

Posted by deer79 @ 9:26 on August 7, 2024  

…. for your insightful thoughts. And thank you Buygold and ipso for the daily insights that you both provide!

Buygold @ 7:08

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:22 on August 7, 2024  

Eloro is collapsing because of two reasons.

Increasing political instability and the propagandized perception silver is still under control – and will be tamped down yet again. (it’s a high-cost producer so this is important)

And there is no arguing – with the recession not allowed to be announced due to the commies attempting to cover it up in order to get re-elected – it could be tough slugging right into early next year (with lags involved) – who knows. We still must go through the apparent discovery – yes Virgina – everybody except the bankers and their cronies are likely in recession – if not worse.

So, no need to print money – right?

Well, in case nobody noticed the yen carry trade debacle over the past few days has shot that theory, narrative, scam all to hell.

So let’s hope the CIA is unable to destabilize Bolivia in yet another soft coup.

That would really put a bee in Eloro’s bonnet.

The people of Bolivia are well grounded. But they are under a lot of pressure. Commodity prices must rise.

I am optimistic next year should be better.

Now let’s just get through another Fall crash season.

Cheers all

The usual

Posted by Buygold @ 7:24 on August 7, 2024  

Looks like the BOJ pissed themselves over Monday’s crash and the Yen carry trade is back on for now. So, we have a little dollar strength that we’ll be fighting again. Metals getting a little (very little) dead cat bounce after getting smashed 3 straight days. Silver continues to be the dog that won’t bark. The pm shares are firm in premarket, at least until 9 am EST rolls around and they come in and smack us around.

10 yr. has come all the way back to 3.93% crazy action for bonds. SM futures soaring, after selling off toward the close yesterday. I suspect it will be reversed again today. Oil moving up nicely above $74. Bitcoin has recovered from $50K to $57K. And then there’s pm’s, the pox on humanity, but mostly on goldbugs. 🙂

Iran and Israel should be dropping some bombs pretty soon in the never ending middle east wars. Wonder how much they’ll hit pm’s on that news? How many thousands of points will the SM rally? SM loves war more than rate cuts.

What a life. What a world. Would most people choose this if they knew what it was like? Food for thought.

Good morning deer79

Posted by Buygold @ 7:08 on August 7, 2024  

I know and agree. I just track the HUI, and simply to gauge where the metals may be going. The shares decimated me, the gains I’ve made in the metals over the years are not even close to the losses I’ve taken in the shares, easily wiping those gains out plus some.

I saw Eloro yesterday and had added it to my watch list when you mentioned it before, same with Lion One. Both of them like so many others have performed terribly. AG is almost a large cap, and it has been decimated as well, although they can blame themselves for that. I wish I had the answer to when they will perform, I don’t have a clue what it will take. There’s clearly no interest in the pm mining sector, even the big boys like RIO and BHP haven’t done anything.

The HUI as well. Here we sit at 287 hoping it holds 285, when it was over 600 in 2006! Can’t say that about any other index.

The frustrating thing is having to watch these endless corrections that come out of nowhere after we’ve had a little bit of strength. Even today, the SM is set to open higher and will at least initially, wipe out all the losses it had on Monday. PM’s of course, have nowhere near recovered the losses, silver is still down $1.50 on the week, gold around $50. The HUI hasn’t either, and won’t come close unless the SM continues to move up.

The manipulation and corruption is even more blatant than ever and just like our government, they don’t even try to hide it anymore.

This sector is a loser until it’s not. I so wish we had realized that 15 years ago.

Maya, 22:52

Posted by ferrett @ 5:29 on August 7, 2024  

She’s not stupid. “Unbeknownst to her”: yeah, right. I bet she knows exactly who the goons are!


Posted by old-timer @ 0:24 on August 7, 2024  

For those who may be interested, an hour or so with Jim Willie.

He’s pretty much on track, and not shouting himself hoarse,

covers so many relevant topics.

if you click, go to about 13 min in to get to the meat.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 23:29 on August 6, 2024  

Tokyo Speed demon


Tulsi the ‘Terrorist’

Posted by Maya @ 22:52 on August 6, 2024  

The weaponized tendrils of the deep state now have Tulsi Gabbard under surveillance for her conservative views. Four federal goons follow her on her flights, unbeknownst to her!


Morning Buygold

Posted by ferrett @ 18:29 on August 6, 2024  

CO2 has ticked up by 50% since the year 1800. And sea levels have moved by ……. ? Can’t claim to have noticed much difference, but I haven’t been around that long. However, places that have long, continuous records like Liverpool show no change. A report from the Chinese of the Indian and Pacific Island groups that are raking in $$$$ to stop flooding (how?) showed that the overall land mass had increased. Curiously google earth data for these islands is many years out of date.

However, we are out of the mini ice age. The earth is greener than we have ever recorded, and producing more food than ever. I’m not sure this is a good thing, as it is supporting population growth – when the climate cools and the situation reverses, the famines will be catastrophic. but almost certainly not in my lifetime, or that of my grandkids.


Posted by deer79 @ 17:01 on August 6, 2024  

….I agree that certain shares have been holding up here fairly well. But the ones I look at ( junior explorers; Elero, Lion One, Irving Resources, Eskay etc.) are getting absolutely decimated. And now these shares are continuing to get drubbed on extremely low volume ( Elero went down almost .07 today on one thousand shares).

The scum have succeeded in keeping interest in the junior PM stocks at very low levels. I should just completely write these things off, but it’s very hard to see them go to zero. End of rant.

Shares doing OK

Posted by Buygold @ 14:05 on August 6, 2024  

HUI back above 285, which should be support if you believe support is actually possible in pm’s🤔

Trying hard to hold $2400.

Have to think the bears are reloading in the SM today, yesterday was too violent to just go away quietly.



Posted by Buygold @ 12:30 on August 6, 2024  

the sooner all these things come together, the better.

They’ve done a heck of a job papering over yesterdays’ mess around the globe. The QQQ’s are barely down now over the last two days.

They’ve done a good job keeping people out of pm’s. Endless losses have a tendency to do that I suppose.

War is coming. Chaos is coming. Financial turmoil I suppose is coming. Things can’t go on like they are. Everything is coming to a head and it has to be soon. They want war both here and abroad and will steal another election (or worse) to make it happen. (Hope I’m wrong!)

I don’t think gold will save us brother. The stakes are much bigger than just money now. This war is being fought here on earth, but the real battle is in the heavens, the dimensions that reside outside the 3 1/2 we live in, and it seems we are powerless to stop it. The best thing we can do is get our spiritual houses in order.

Jim Quinn of the “Fourth Turning” has a really good article on ZH. He is on the mark and describes what’s happened and what’s coming, but he leaves the spiritual out.

Jim Quinn: Everybody Knows

teaser image

Even though the ignorant masses are kept distracted by their electronic baubles and gadgets, while being continuously propagandized and misinformed by the regime media, acting on behalf of their Deep State masters, they know something is amiss…

Welcome to Somalia …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:23 on August 6, 2024  

… no that’s Minesota … soon to be the USA if the commies get their way.

Breaking: Kamala Harris Picks White Bread Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as Her VP Pick for Some Reason | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Very predictable.

Let’s hope they don’t steal the election again.

That would not be good.

America would likely not survive.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.