OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 23:23 on September 6, 2024  

I spelled it wrong it’s Bloomin onions.

It’s like onion rings cut in near quarters.



Posted by goldielocks @ 23:17 on September 6, 2024  

Nope none of that. You’d have animal rights groups here picketing. Thanks for preparing me. I’m surprised Florida doesn’t have the alligator on the menus there though.

Probably more like a chain using Aussies name and a picture of a Kangaroo as it’s trademark.

Had to borrow this. A picture tells a 1000 words..

Posted by goldielocks @ 23:11 on September 6, 2024  

Blooming onions? LOL, never heard of them.

Posted by ferrett @ 23:03 on September 6, 2024  

I thought maybe there would be kangaroo, emu, croc, Moreton Bay bugs (a sort of large crab, or small lobster), barramundi, witchetty grubs – koala, possums, iguana and fruit bats are protected species here but the other stuff is what’s on the menu at tourist restaurants.


Posted by goldielocks @ 23:02 on September 6, 2024  

The highlight of the day was this baby boy Since the seats were low and kinda sunk in and nerve damage in my feet. Not from weight, I’m in shape other wise but after all that food and generally don’t eat all that much at once myself thought I’d play it save being independent minded so I asked to sit at the end in a higher chair. Well this baby boy a few tables down from us with these wide eyes kept staring at me. He was also sitting at the end of the table too in a high chair. I finally figured out he was thinking what are you doing in that high chair. Lol


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:52 on September 6, 2024  

Lol I have no idea lol My son was hinting to steak so he must like their stakes and I didn’t really care so said that’s fine so he insisted on lobster for me. There was one thing we don’t have I noticed. It was called blooming onions. He ordered one. That’s a lot of onions with a dip.

goldielocks, I’m intrigued.

Posted by ferrett @ 22:36 on September 6, 2024  

So what, exactly, does an Aussie restaurant in North America serve that distinguishes it as Australian food?

Ipso Ferrett

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:59 on September 6, 2024  

Right exactly. When my son and daughter in law took me out to a Aussie restaurant here called Outback last month for my Bday I brought up the phyzz as my daughter in law the second income is trying to buy when she can. I told them this might be the last year,  maybe one year if that you can buy at these prices. I wouldn’t procrastinate and find out after it’s too late. Plus when I look at the 10 yr treasury-3 month inversion and the tiny inversion of 2007 and tiny-er 2019 in comparison to the massive one we have now for the past few years, if it was a indicator of a fault line on earthquakes were sitting on a really big one. Food storage and basic necessities wouldn’t hurt.

I think Bitcoin will also be a free from Central Banks at that point too because if they weren’t a concern to them Blackrock wouldn’t be after it. Blackrock wants a controlling interest in both Fiat and Bitcoin and I don’t think that Fink is aligned with the US but a Isreal war machine and control. . That’s a long story beyond my knowledge but from what I’m picking up from the professions.

Scary times ahead and hope good can trump over evil.  Excuse any typos as usual.

goldielocks 20:51

Posted by ferrett @ 21:28 on September 6, 2024  

It’s worth will be determined by exchangeability for stuff. A silver dime for a loaf of bread? A silver dollar for a pound of steak? How long will it take for the black market to develop, as I’m sure ‘they’ won’t like it.

goldielocks @ 20:5

Posted by ipso facto @ 21:11 on September 6, 2024  

The dollar will likely become worthless or close to it in our lifetimes. JMO

Ipso, Ferret

Posted by goldielocks @ 20:51 on September 6, 2024  

Don’t forget what direction the Government and Central Banks are going. At what point will they stop devaluing the Fiat currency. I don’t think there is a limit. What happens when people wake up one morning and find their fiat currency has just been devalued by 90 percent and  it was swapped by Central Bank digital.

How much do you think that silver in hand will be worth then when the Fiat currency is worthless.



Posted by ipso facto @ 18:59 on September 6, 2024  

“production” Sure enough … but I imagine those copper etc miners who produce a lot of silver wouldn’t mind getting a better price.

Yeah if the economy goes into the toilet and some of the base metals producers are shuttered that would certainly benefit us. In the long run I think we rise anyways …

Happy Hour with Buygold ……. “done and done”

Posted by winedoc @ 18:53 on September 6, 2024  

things are topsy turvy

“I Like”…….  silver

“No One” knows how high silver will go …….

I added to the stack earlier today

I use Silver Gold Bull Canada out of Calgary

Good Evening Friends


ipso, Cap’n, gotta bear in mind

Posted by ferrett @ 17:50 on September 6, 2024  

that only 25% of production comes from primary silver mines. The balance is as a by-product from mining other metals and recycling. So silver supply is dominated by lead/zinc/copper production, largely by multinationals who couldn’t give a rat’s bum about the silver price. If the falling prices of the base metals cause any big mines to shutter, then we will see upward movement.

BTW – Bitcoin was down 5% today

Posted by Buygold @ 16:43 on September 6, 2024  

Worse than both our manipulated metals.

In fact it’s hard to find any asset that was up. Gold was down .80%
Sux because it shouldn’t be but imagine how bad it would have been a few years ago.

Standard Jobs Report beat down

Posted by Buygold @ 16:37 on September 6, 2024  

They had to because the SM is finished for a while. So, we probably suffer through with the SM for a bit until we don’t. The SM is trying to force the Fed to cut .50, to be followed by another.50 and another. That’s best case. Worst case is that something or someone broke today and Monday is a bloodbath. Buffett looks genius.

I’m going to buy a little phyzz silver this weekend. I’ll feel better. 🙄

No reason for the metals

Posted by deer79 @ 16:08 on September 6, 2024  

to be down today except for the fact that the algorithm says that they go down. How in the world does this stranglehold get broken????

Looks like no save for the SM…but no further falls

Posted by Maddog @ 16:00 on September 6, 2024  

Re The Feds Target of Getting Inflation Down To 2%

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:17 on September 6, 2024  

In my opinion, Stocks and real estate are inflation hedges. As they go up, plenty of people can spend more money, and drive prices higher. Stocks and real estate, should be part of the money supply.

So the Federal Reserve’s Jerome Powell is pissing up a rope. unless or until, he succeeds and crashes the stock and real estate prices. Who knows, maybe thats what they are hoping for? But if he drops the rates, it will propel those inflation hedge prices even higher.

Coming up to the last hour or so of trading….this is when we usually get a stomping great rally, to save the day…or are the scum happy to let it all look baaaad.

Posted by Maddog @ 14:46 on September 6, 2024  

Here’s a 30 minute presentation that will knock your socks off! Please pass it along, especially to the ailing who need the knowledge.

Posted by silverngold @ 14:10 on September 6, 2024  

Healing for the A.G.E.S. – Dr. Bryan Ardis

Demos smoke and mirrors

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:25 on September 6, 2024  

CBS Boston just CALLED OUT Kamala Harris for bussing in hundreds of people to make it look like she has support


Well Captain

Posted by Buygold @ 13:01 on September 6, 2024  

They managed to bring the dollar back up, so they’ve got the excuse. We’ll probably start to see some volatility now. That was some serious early volatility in the dollar and the bond market today. Rates are all the way back to flat. Seems non-sensical to me with a SM selling off. I know the US Dollar currency market is tough to manipulate because of scale, but something went on today.

Unfortunately, it gave license to the guys on the Crimex to pound silver into oblivion. My bet is that gold recovers and closes back above $2500, but they did the usual “safe haven” hit job there to.

Something wicked this way comes, I have no idea what it is, but seems with violent moves like we’re seeing today, something is going on. Maybe we’ll find out after the close as usual. Going to be a hellluva Sunday night/Mon. am. I wonder if the Plunge Protection Team is still operating these days.

or 4 or 5 that’ll work!

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:44 on September 6, 2024  

They may as well close every other mkt and just open the SM ………everything is keying off the SM, on a tick by tick basis…pathetic.

Posted by Maddog @ 12:34 on September 6, 2024  
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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.