OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Dollar getting punched in the mouth again

Posted by Buygold @ 7:49 on September 16, 2024  

Yen carry still unwinding, although it’s off its’ highs in the overnights. It appears they have been working hard to keep the metals from exploding overseas, but silver still up near 1%. Got over $31 last night.

Fed cut on Wednesday. Hard to imagine that we don’t get hit after the news, standard stuff. Probably get hit harder if only .25%. The RSI’s in GLD and SLV are in the 60’s ready to hit the 70’s today. That’s more than enough reason to sell us off.

There was a pay for play article on ZH about 940K call options purchased on SLV. Seems the banks are probably salivating at the idea of fleecing those folks.

Trump assassin was also in a Blackrock commercial. What are the odds of both guys and their Blackrock connection? Slim and none. There are no coincidences. This means that they are so brazen now that they don’t care whether anyone knows and are shoving it in our faces. Blackrock employees ought to keep their heads on a swivel, Larry Fink may be protected, but most of them are not.

Gov. DiSantis says Florida will do its own investigation, but I don’t see how that works if they don’t have the suspect in their custody. FBI has taken the suspect so they can continue to provide cover. I wouldn’t be surprised if the suspect ends up dead while being held. He cannot be allowed to talk. This is a war, make no mistake about it.

What a country, what a time to be alive.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.