Philippines. Years ago I was working at a place where the owner hired a foreigner in administration who was bringing in foreign help that didn’t know their ass from.m a hole in the ground. Caused all sorts of problems. He was also having affairs with them for job security while trying to harass us. I wouldn’t put up with it and sent them running to their sugar daddy. The Filipinos thought it was funny but trusted me enough that one of their kinda like leaders confided with me that’s not how to play the game. I’m thinking who’s playing. They let me in on the group. One of the few maybe only one because Americans tend to boast it have big mouths. To just play along with them who cares they’re gathering enough information they won’t be here too long. And it worked.
If that factory guy is playing the same game with the women from Haiti we will find out if the odds are against him and he suddenly gets sick.