OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:14 on September 19, 2024  

The media is saying the left pinning agenda 2025 on Trump when it’s not him but partially more them has been effective in fooling many. So why don’t they open up on agenda 2030 and it’s true agenda run by the UN and WEF. Since it hard to pull a dictatorship in a healthy economy and where people own stuff they got this great idea to tear everything down so they can accept what ever dole they hand out that they stole from them in the first place for the price of their freedom and perpetual poverty or extermination.  There already turning blue city’s into open air prisons with the inmates running it.


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:49 on September 19, 2024  
  1. It’s going to be harder for people to buy phyzz for a hedge from here on in the face of inflation on top of phyzz premiums. If they live in California even worse because they want to tax it. When buying smaller amounts it’s about not worth it. I told everyone no more metals gift for grandkids your on your own now lol  They also make it cost more to buy fraction gold 1/2 1/4 1/10. I have been giving it for gifts and Calif has our of state rules on Taxing now. Like if you go to Apmex and buy something now they announce a tax California made, shipping cost and if you use a card a 4 % charge and not counting premiums they attach. I found since I have Amazon prime I could buy some things that only come from legit business in downturns plus avoid the shipping and 4 % charges for small or small orders.  Until they find away to mess that up too. One of my grandsons is learning through having grandson by checking prices. At first it bothered him to see the volatility and years ago when younger gave some eagles away to a cousin and I held back on the gold for that reason. He learned the price goes back up and will likely continue.  Now he sees the swiss francs too young before when cheaper but starting  go from 300 to 400 to 500. Now they’re starting to get serious and quiet and putting it away from prying hands. They don’t totally understand the disaster we’re headed but are learning through the increase of PM and now everything  what’s happening to the value of their dollar. I don’t mention stocks to them. That is just gambling.


Just a reminder !

Posted by redneckokie1 @ 16:48 on September 19, 2024  

Interest rates have been reverted for over 600 days. The FED has changed course even though they never came close to their inflation target. History tells us that after the yield curve returns to normal a recession/depression occurs. The longer the yield curve stays inverted, the deeper the recession/depression.

The current state of the world politics, economics, and warfare has resulted in the entire world being vulnerable to a severe depression. Historically, a significant popular war is at the bottom of the economic cycle. The Viet Nam war was the unpopular war at the top of the long term cycle.

If things get bad enough, all debt will be repudiated like the Jewish year of the Jubilee. I don’t have a clue how all this will unfold. Banks, insurance companies and retirement plans are full of stocks and bonds in their reserves.

I still have a few pieces to add to my doomsday list but I have the significant ones in place. I’m very closely watching platinum and palladium in relationship to gold and silver.

”Keep on stacking” !


Captain, SNG

Posted by Buygold @ 14:51 on September 19, 2024  

Captain – I don’t know, it just seems like the dollar has resumed its’ downtrend, so that is sort of my thinking. If it reverses course hard off the upcoming double bottom then probably we see some selling for sure in the metals. Other than the COT reports, I don’t really keep an eye on the futures markets like you do, so I really don’t have any idea.

SNG – that appears to be the case for now, although a lot of the miners haven’t exactly helped themselves with earnings. You’d think at some level in the metals, Aladdin’s algo’s will be switched to buy mode. I don’t think the pm mining sector is big enough to matter all that much to BlackRock as long as their precious SM stays alive. Bitcoin is up 4% today, I’d sure like to see pm’s start to move like that. While CB’s are buying the metals up, US investors don’t even seem to have them on their radar. I get the feeling that we’ll wake up one day and all that will have changed and no one will be selling.

Maddog @ 12:52

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:56 on September 19, 2024  

Yes sir re Bob Jim dandy.

It’s counting in fives higher too.


Silver looks like it has negated ystdy’s Reversal….by making a new Hi today !!!!!!

Posted by Maddog @ 12:52 on September 19, 2024  

Buygold @ 11:52

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:37 on September 19, 2024  

Between the commies blowing out the deficits with spending prior to the election, along with BRICs related buying right through October potentially – you could be right – any such pullbacks could be delayed.

Plus, silver should blow-off prior to what could be labelled an intermediate top.

Should have mentioned that.

A little tired this morning.


Maddog @ 12:20

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:28 on September 19, 2024  

I will believe that when I see it.

Most people live on their phones and will go down in flames with them.

I hear there is a new terrorist group……….Heznobollox

Posted by Maddog @ 12:21 on September 19, 2024  

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 12:20 on September 19, 2024  

No point in sending out draft instructions to ye mobile…..we will have dumped them all v soon…..after what the Israeli’s have just done…..

Captain and Buygold…IMO this time it’s PHYZ OR PHAILURE!

Posted by silverngold @ 11:56 on September 19, 2024  

They cannot hold down the real thing, but I think BlackRock’s ALADDIN has the PM shares locked down…FWIW! IMO you’re gambling in their rigged casino! SnG


Posted by Buygold @ 11:52 on September 19, 2024  

Everything changes with a stolen election and that’s the only way the baby killer wins.

CBDC’s should be an uphill battle for them as you say. Hopefully the governor’s of those states like mine stand firm, regardless of who is president.

I’m not seeing the correction you see but I’m wrong most of the time. We’ll see

Get ready to be drafted next year …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:49 on September 19, 2024  

Civil War (2024) Official Trailer – Kirsten Dunst, Cailee Spaeny – YouTube ******Art to Imitate Life?????*******

Civil War (2024) Official Trailer – Kirsten Dunst, Cailee Spaeny – YouTube

Get ready to be drafted into a commie army that will be unleashed on ‘contentious and treasonous States’.

It’s for everybody’s good.

Predictive programming?
Here is an obscure movie that was shown on Amazon in 2021. It’s called the Tomorrow War and stars the popular Chris Pratt. It has some satanic easter eggs in the beginning and then shows how in 2025 a world war and a global draft is initiated, which results in massive depopulation. They even show how everyone’s smart phones are used to send out draft notifications.
They are revealing their plan, including their timetable, and hid that plan in plain sight, within an apparently family friendly science fiction movie.”
Is this why they are bringing all the military age immigrant men into the America as well … not just to vote?
Wake up people

Buygold @ 10:38

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:05 on September 19, 2024  

Unfortunately, we are due for a pullback.

The commies will pull back on spending after the election and that must be discounted soon.

Because there is nothing left of the economy, such a pullback in currency debasement rates will not last long. So, correspondingly the correction in PMs should be mild but larger than what recency bias might have you think.

Like I said yesterday, about 300 clams worth of downside in gold.

Crack up boom after that though. (no later than Q2 2025)

The commies don’t have their CBDCs in place just yet … so they need to keep everybody happy and distracted until the fangs are right on the jugular. (they are vampires)

And there are about 30 states that are going to give them a hard time about it too … especially if they steal the election again.

Have a nice day.

Looks like just you and me Captain

Posted by Buygold @ 10:38 on September 19, 2024  

Awful quiet here for such exciting times as these.

I know we lost a lot of folks along the way, some passed, some were smarter and left the circus early. I hope they come back in time to catch what’s coming, because if we still have a functioning world it will be a beautiful thing.

They’ve had NEM and most of the shares on the ropes all day. Won’t last, they’ll get their move in the coming weeks.

Like how we’ve come back in the metals though

Kamala bucks are coming …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:04 on September 19, 2024  

… we will never get rid of the commies after that … you will be forced to vote properly or starve.

Kamala-Bucks Are Coming… | ZeroHedge

But hey … Kamala is for abortion right up to birth … or in other words … a woman’s rights … and the sale of baby body parts.

Morning all

They hit the sell button on the shares right out of the gates

Posted by Buygold @ 9:41 on September 19, 2024  

Not sure what that means for the metals, but the shares suck at the moment.

Hopefully it’s a buying op, although if the dollar doesn’t square up, we’re probably in trouble. Complete B.S. especially the way the SM is trading.

Where’s Ipso?

Posted by Buygold @ 9:29 on September 19, 2024  

Is he out for a bit? Anyone?

Dollar comes ripping back

Posted by Buygold @ 9:13 on September 19, 2024  

rates now up 5 bips, as the weekly jobless report was “better than expected” so we get the 9 am treatment.

Funny how the SM and Bitcoin are completely unaffected by it though. That’s a pisser.

We’re still up nicely though, and probably lucky to be up at all considering the move up in rates. Just don’t know how much of these early gains we’ll end up being able to hold. We’ll see.

One thing they always confirm though, gold and silver are the biggest threats on the planet to their ponzi fiat empire.

Holy Moly

Posted by goldielocks @ 6:16 on September 19, 2024  

My hedges isn’t gonna cover that if it keeps going. Good thing is it’s to the upside.

I grabbed as much sales as I could yesterday on basics and adding more basic medical supplies before a prices start to change.

People are going to get more desperate than they already are.

My car insurance coincidence went up again yesterday for no particular reason than it’s California paying almost double now ,no tickets or accidents retired so low miles but keeps going up maybe hoping they can push us out of full coverage so a illegal can crash into you and your not covered.

Morning Maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 5:38 on September 19, 2024  

The biggest surprise to me yesterday was how much they were able to turn the dollar. Course now it has given most of that back.

We are looking at an unbelievably strong open, pm’s and tech in particular. If we hold on, yesterday was a blip and actually gives us more room to run on the charts before getting overbought. $50 reversal yesterday and we’ve gotten $40 back as of now. $1.20 on silver and $1.14 back.

Beautiful. I actually think $3K by year end is a real possibility. I’m insane though.😳

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 4:36 on September 19, 2024  

After six miles of tunnel under the great divide..



Posted by Maddog @ 4:30 on September 19, 2024  

If we had any honesty around in our ‘elders and betters’……someone would audit the scum trading and find a black hole in the bottom line, that would compare with the best ……ystdy they must have thrown billions at the mkts and yet as of now every cent spent is at a loss and a loss that is growing fast….

Everything is ripping tonight

Posted by Buygold @ 3:35 on September 19, 2024  

But especially silver, currently up $1.07 – 3.6%. Gold up $20. So, at the moment we’re better than we started the day yesterday.

SM & Bitcoin running as well. Rates coming off a couple bips. Dollar backing off against the Euro and Sterling, flat against the Yen. 140 Yen must be support of some kind.

It appears to be all systems go at the moment. Not sure why the selling yesterday but they’re getting their election rally right now.

Course, it’s ridiculously early. We’ll see how things hold up in a few hours.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.