OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Buygold, Ferret

Posted by goldielocks @ 19:06 on September 17, 2024  

I agree with both of you.

Ferret the only way they’ll learn is to find out the hard way but drag everyone else down with them. As someone said, “Humans are the only ones who pick the weakest in the pack to lead.”

Buygold one good thing you might have on your side is if the do eliminate cash I’m pretty sure De Santis will make your own currency. We in California will be screwed but then who knows.


Buygold @ 17:03

Posted by Captain Hook @ 18:36 on September 17, 2024  

Don’t worry he won’t win.

He’s anti-abortion so brain dead women will vote him out according to some very smart people.

You got me on this one.

I can’t believe people are that stupid.

They expect you to believe nothing else matters.

Goldie, 11:02, the technical term is “useful idiots”.

Posted by ferrett @ 17:24 on September 17, 2024  

Not only are they so gullible as to believe, without the slightest skepticism or effort to check it out, but, as you say, they then are useful to the people behind the green curtain as they parrot the lies to everyone else. Presenting them as indisputable facts because “experts”.

Some of these people are ostensibly intelligent, considered intellectuals (don’t get me started on intellectuals), and Nasim Taleb coined an acronym for them – IYI – intellectual yet idiot.

NEM finished up on the day

Posted by Buygold @ 17:06 on September 17, 2024  

Smoke signal?

PM sector has almost traded like a normal market lately. Really odd. 😳


Posted by Buygold @ 17:03 on September 17, 2024  

That Whitney Webb video was good. As much as Trump is the only choice for me. I didn’t like his interest in becoming the Bitcoin player at all. I have no doubt that we will be back doored into some sort of CBDC here which will lead to slavery. Trump has to know the connection now of BlackRock to the assassination attempts. There is just no way for him to be advised by any one tied to the government now, financial or otherwise.

I like Trump but he’s going to have to make a lot of different choices if he wins or the machine will run him over and we’ll all be screwed. It ran him over in a lot of ways last time.

I won’t put my faith in him to be sure.

Oh wow Deja Vous

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:48 on September 17, 2024  

Amongst the multi problems of the Haitian plantation they said cases of HIV is going up. Apparently they weren’t screened for HIV or other STDs before placing them in our cities.American will be strapped having to pay their health care costs too.

Watched more of it. They said they’re paying them half wages and if so they’re subsidized with tax money and forced on and burdening city’s to enrich these slave labor factory’s and farms. Mayorkas should be charged with human trafficking.


Posted by goldielocks @ 14:30 on September 17, 2024  

Looking into BlackRock Whitney does a good job of following the money.

Did you know and I didn’t that BlackRock was involved in the Obama Admin over the crash, again during the lock down a massive wealth transfer and profiting  buying their own shares and then former employees are involved with Biden and Harris and we can see where that has gone with the economy. That she’s concerned whom ever becomes president with coming financial crisis of the current administration policy’s Blackrock will be involved and what can happen with Digital currency if Kamila gets in that can be surveilled and taken and Trump is interested in a independent Bitcoin that Bitcoin could be linked to the USD with stable coin then Blackrock can control them  and link them to the government control not independent from the central bank.

At least Trump will listen where Kamila will run and hide and do whatever they want.


Posted by Maddog @ 13:27 on September 17, 2024  

Re pagers

As u say genius……i wonder if they will go in ,now so many are hors de combat and their comms all ‘effed up…..


Posted by goldielocks @ 13:14 on September 17, 2024  

If Trump sends them back home he’ll need that pot to piss on when he has to face the people of Springfield when he has no one to make him rich at their subsidy tax paying expense. They should make him pay double after that or shut the Nazi down and buy it for pennies on the dollar.


Posted by goldielocks @ 13:07 on September 17, 2024  

I hope it can get broken apart. If there’s enough good left on the inside maybe they can help make it happen.

The CIA with operation mocking bird is mirroring their flying monkeys selves and hoping people don’t know their history with the words they come up with and find out they come from playbook. They’re looking for bullies so the conserves need to start out numbering them and push back. They’re committing hate crimes, and instigating violence, stupid traitors. Id like to zero in on the ones who come up with the words and Dox them.

That’s kinda funny about the remotes. Actually it’s hilarious.

Maddog – concur

Posted by Buygold @ 12:49 on September 17, 2024  

They’ll probably do .50 and are getting out in front of it, also goosing the dollar. It wouldn’t surprise me if they hit us again after the announcement.

They are cutting into an already inflationary environment. Best case for Trump is he will walk into a sh*tshow of an economy and war pressure.

Don’t know if you’ve seen the news of the attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria, absolutely genius, but the region is going to explode.

Hezbollah’s ‘9/11’: Iranian Ambassador Among 1,000+ Wounded After Israel Remotely Detonates Pagers

teaser image

“hundreds of members of the group in hospitals. We are seeing… injuries to their arms, to their legs, even to their faces.”


Posted by Maddog @ 12:20 on September 17, 2024  

Good to hear re the Swing states.

ipsofacto….Aussies have a great way with words…. great find.

Posted by Maddog @ 12:19 on September 17, 2024  

goldielocks re yr 9.05

Posted by Maddog @ 12:18 on September 17, 2024  

That factory owner may have a different opinion, when he is sitting in the pot and realises he is Sunday lunch.

Judging by the way PM’s are getting hit, tomorrows news will be bullish/super bullish

Posted by Maddog @ 12:09 on September 17, 2024  

so get yr buying done today….

Goldie yes

Posted by Buygold @ 11:55 on September 17, 2024  

Whether right or left, anyone who gets their information from the mainstream media is subjected to propaganda 24/7. True, after awhile they just parrot.

Very sad. Hopefully more platforms like X will come on line where information comes from sources that can be trusted, I.E. Gen. Flynn came out right away and called out the CIA and said the FBI needs to be broken in pieces. He’s been there and doesn’t have to hide anything.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:02 on September 17, 2024  

Lol funny but true. One of the funny parts is conservative friend whether it’s relatives, friends or conservatives it’s like a zombie apocalypse. I call it parroting but the operation mocking bird conservatives hear the they are now parrots too,  they all come back saying the same things. If you ask them why they can’t give a answer and if you get anything it will be a opinion they made from the parrots without the facts to go with it.

Summa Silver

Posted by Buygold @ 10:59 on September 17, 2024  

That little micro cap is up another 13% today. I watch that one and Ipso’s Mawson. Deer79’s two little stocks too. Seems like they catch intermittent bids and then drift back down on lighter volume. Not quite ready to run yet


Posted by Buygold @ 10:51 on September 17, 2024  

Funny, the CIA is now in everyone’s heads except the mainstream media, they just can’t seem to make the connection..

FOX reports this morning that the FBI is doing a profile on Routh. Gee whiz, that’s tough.

Maybe Americans can learn from other cultures way they deal with things like south Korea or

Posted by goldielocks @ 10:30 on September 17, 2024  

Philippines. Years ago I was working at a place where the owner hired a foreigner in administration who was bringing in foreign help that didn’t know their ass from.m a hole in the ground. Caused all sorts of problems. He was also having affairs with them for job security while trying to harass us. I wouldn’t put up with it and sent them running to their sugar daddy. The Filipinos thought it was funny but trusted me enough that one of their kinda like leaders confided with me that’s not how to play the game. I’m thinking who’s playing. They let me in on the group. One of the few maybe only one because Americans tend to boast it have big mouths. To just play along with them who cares they’re gathering enough information they won’t be here too long. And it worked.

If that factory guy is playing the same game with the women from Haiti we will find out if the odds are against him and he suddenly gets sick.

Wow, nice turn

Posted by Buygold @ 10:25 on September 17, 2024  

Unexpected and bounced nicely off 320


Posted by goldielocks @ 10:03 on September 17, 2024  

Yes I remember the government here sent it’s flying monkeys the CIA to interfere against any chance Ukraine could have for a free and fair election and unfortunately didn’t recognize the US was also their enemy and used Russia to divert. The CIA is trained in psych ops to get into people’s heads if they unknowingly let them to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do. People need to learn no matter the pressure not to fall for it although it isn’t easy in some circumstances. Psychos and abusive people pull the same thing on individual targets because it’s a test on control then to have more control. To cut it short so to speak. The waring is this known enemy is they’ll send more out.


Posted by Buygold @ 9:51 on September 17, 2024  

CIA – Ukraine, all the same players. The CIA toppled the Ukrainian government in 2014.

I’m looking for Erik Prince to start to play a role on the Trump side.

This is serious business now, the enemy has clearly been identified.

Yep still the highest numbers

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:50 on September 17, 2024  
  1. With an estimated 150,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in 2016 (or an approximately 2.1 percent prevalence rate among adults aged 15–49), Haiti has the most overall cases of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean and its HIV prevalence rates among the highest percentage-wise in the region.[3] There are many risk-factor groups for HIV infection in Haiti, with the most common ones including lower socioeconomic status, lower educational levels, risky behavior, and lower levels of awareness regarding HIV and its transmission.[4][5]

Ipso 9:28

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:46 on September 17, 2024  

That’s good, I hope more and more start siding with them and the people stand behind them.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.