OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Know your enemy … These are surely the effers that want you to eat bugs!

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:32 on September 15, 2024  

Banks Urged to Defund Farming Industry to Limit Meat & Dairy Consumption

Major banks are being urged to stop financing the global farming industry as part of an effort to force limits on the general public’s meat and dairy consumption.

A collective of over 100 climate groups, led by Friends of the Earth, is pressuring JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and other private banks to stop financing global meat and dairy companies.

According to a report from Agriculture Dive, the groups argue that the institutions’ lending activities undermine their environmental commitments.

An open letter from groups to some of the world’s biggest banks calls for a halt on any new financing that expands industrial livestock production.

The banks are being pressured to add requirements that meat, dairy, and feed clients disclose their climate action plan.


Another assassination attempt on Trump

Posted by goldielocks @ 16:49 on September 15, 2024  


More on what happened to the Fort Knox gold

Posted by Maddog @ 14:17 on September 15, 2024  

Thinking the Unthinkable

Who was Edward Durell and why was he so interested in Fort Knox…….

Posted by Maddog @ 13:53 on September 15, 2024  




Haitians were eating human flesh during that spring riot in Haiti. don’t worry about the geese & cats

Posted by overton @ 13:06 on September 15, 2024  

Governor Dewine of Ohio started a  Haitian charity with a catholic priest  in Haiti when  his daughter died in a automobile accident 30 years ago.  I live a couple hours from Springfield and they brought all these Haitians through Wright Patterson AFB which is close to Springfield.  This priest (Father Hagan), named a school in Haiti after the governors daughter and this is how that  warm Haitian welcome started.  Most of the pics that I have seen with this priest shows him with lots of young boys.  Both Ohio senators ( Brown & JD Vance) knew this was going on and you will never find the true storry on  google or duckduck or any of the others.





Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:21 on September 15, 2024  

Winter Wonderland from a Warm Coach


Such MSM bullsh….

Posted by Maya @ 3:19 on September 15, 2024  

Happened to see a network news clip of ‘hand wringing’ over Springfield, OH ‘officials’ saying Trump was inciting people and they were afraid of violence now because Trump said they were eating cats & pets.   Nobody does the ‘fact check’ of the videos that exist of it.    But it’s Trump’s fault.  I gotta do a better job of avoiding the TV at ‘news times’.  It might incite ME to violence… against my flatscreen.

Springfield Ohio

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:00 on September 14, 2024  

A YouTuber pulled in Springfield and talked to the citizens all majorly pissed off and the Haitians and happy with their Magic Money Cards. They call them Magic Money cards because they never run out.. They’re getting more money that retired people and even a lot of  working class. And tax free. Question is what happens when the money stops? They know what will happen. They claim they are eating cats and said there was a van driving around gathering them up to eat and Canadian Geese. All the Haitians denied it. They said more are coming because they learned about it by their family’s.

On their driving one of them ran into a curb when they were talking. The DMV is playing dumb.They’re giving them a pass on the tests.


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:22 on September 14, 2024  

Right I agree.

The way I see it there are three kinds of people voting.

,1. The patriots that care about their country, value their freedom, their constitution that enforces it, their economy, and their family and future because they know life is what you make it, not doled out as they see fit for their gain and not censored or dictated to by currently dishonest incompetents.
2. The type that doesn’t care about all that or the expense of everyone else because their voting for propaganda alter ego virtue signaling, feelings and don’t even know what’s going on, on the dole or currently getting out of jail free cards.
3. The third kind are all the illegals that that think they’re entitled to replace the rest.

Posted by overton @ 9:49 on September 14, 2024  

Many of the jrs mentioned here,  presentations  in Colorado this week




This is in NY. Do you really think she can win a fair election?

Posted by Buygold @ 5:20 on September 14, 2024  


Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 1:39 on September 14, 2024  

The Royal Hudson


Mike Pento Common sense

Posted by goldielocks @ 1:16 on September 14, 2024  

I look at these children on TV

Posted by goldielocks @ 20:13 on September 13, 2024  

And worked with them myself that can’t go out and play like other kids, and even simpler daily tasks are a struggle but still have hope. Many will have their lives cut short. If anything besides their health, advocates around them that can also be their friends and buddies they should be as happy as they can be, not troubled by all this man made lunacy going on.

Then I find out my and many others monthly donation to feed the children UNICEF has been drawn in by the vaccine cabal and Gates to vaccinate all the children of Gaza with a unsafe form of Polio vax in a dry dessert area no less and starving traumatized children instead of food milk. No, their priority is try a vaccine on them.

I doubt Trump will have another debate with a compulsive liar.

Posted by goldielocks @ 20:00 on September 13, 2024  

But I do hope he opens the eyes of Cameleons Inflation Reduction Act that will target not the multinationals that donate to the puppet regeme and pay no taxes but the millions of small business which used to be the majority of the business tax revenue and maybe CPI as well as the working class with their thousands of new internal tax revenue and tax depended hires to squeeze the last farthing from them to pay for their debt. That if they wanted to reduce inflation they stop their spending, borrowing, and printing press devaluing the dollar along with their inflationary policy’s and attack on oil. That they go back to the days they have to have accountability and permission to spend tax dollars and the people know just what they’re spending it on. Make use of some of these IRS workers to itemized government and military spending if it’s even justified. That giving money out for their personal election is scrutinized like to illegals and the ngos helping them or even flying them in.  Cameleons idea of inflation reduction is rob the city’s while they bombard them will migrants for votes and use their tax dollars to do it. In their face tax funded criminal organization using their hard earned money against them.

Now we’re just finding out

Posted by goldielocks @ 18:47 on September 13, 2024  

Hamas is teaching the stone age criminals how to build tunnels. Hamas has been helping foreign organized crime to build tunnels south of the border for the past 5 yrs likely aided by all that money they’re getting by open borders trafficking and drugs. It looks like it’s just not Iran they:are getting their money from. Who needs nukes to destroy this country. They can just get out the popcorn and watch the lunatics destroy it from within.


Yeah Putin will be a lot easier to handle than the ones invading the city’s they can’t even deal with.

Posted by goldielocks @ 18:01 on September 13, 2024  


First Colorado denies a problem with gangs where one apt got 700 calls to police and don’t seem to even recognize them as illegals. Maybe just let them blen I’m with the homeless. I’m guessing Colorado is going to be voting for more of the same this year because it makes them feel virtuous while their getting their ass kicked.


COT Report

Posted by Buygold @ 16:11 on September 13, 2024  

Seems pretty mild for a good week.

CFTC Commitments of Traders Report – CMX (Futures Only)


Posted by Buygold @ 15:18 on September 13, 2024  

I’m not sure the real rally has even started yet. I look at NEM and it won’t even do average volume today. Some of these shares are up on heavier volume but it seems to be some of the smaller or mid cap silvers. AG, HL even GROY is up 12% on heavy volume. You know things are perking up when GROY is catching a bid. SLV has good volume, but GLD won’t even do average.

It just doesn’t seem to me that there’s a rush going on to get into the sector. Maybe because the SM is still doing well? Regardless, if we’re doing this well with such little interest, how much better will we do when US investors finally wake up?

Dollar coming back slightly, so they are chipping away at the metals this last hour.

Bitcoin up 3%. Seems as long as tech holds up Bitcoin is in play.


Another leg up

Posted by Buygold @ 11:44 on September 13, 2024  

Just when you think we’re going to give up the gains…buyers come in.


Yea I faded ole Putie boy a long time ago

Posted by eeos @ 11:06 on September 13, 2024  

I think this man is full of shite. I’m not even sure if a small part of his nuclear arsenal works. Obviously his whole army is fake, and the drones are killing this guy! Watch it on Youtube. So go ahead and give up a half million of your youth Russia for a war they can never win, like ever. The guy probably has lost a trillion in crappy weapons that are blown to smithereens. His navy is toast too. All his weapons are failures it looks to me. So if you want to invade in 2024 be prepared to get you asses kick

Volume strong in SLV

Posted by Buygold @ 10:40 on September 13, 2024  

Just shy of average in the first hour.

GLD about half of average so far.

Just getting started.

You know things are going well when

Posted by Buygold @ 10:18 on September 13, 2024  

the likes of even AG is up 20% in a week.

If we’re able to hold gains today it would seem like things are changing. We haven’t been allowed back to back strong up days in awhile. Even during the move from 2000 to 2500.


Posted by Maddog @ 10:13 on September 13, 2024  

Re DXY……50 av crossed below the 200 Av on 28 Aug 24

looks like the PM shares are being shorted

Posted by Maddog @ 10:07 on September 13, 2024  

GDX up only 1.6 % …..with AG up 2.5 % and after ysdys huge run …we shud be seeing a good run…but no the mad Algo’s are just useing the rally to short more…..which is good because they will be buying when loads of others wake up

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.