I strongly recommend that you go to Greg Hunter’s site , USAWatchDog.com and find his very recent interview with Alex Newman.
Alex Neuman was present in NYC recently when most nations of the world convened to make the UN and WHO the central world power .
America and the Constitution have a bullseye pasted on them .
By declaration of the next scamdemic , the WHO/UN (and in the wings , the WEF) the unelected head of the UN will see to it that every human takes a mandated ‘vaccine’ and the UN will basicall rule the world .
26 State goverors ARE aware of the implication of this and have signed a pact that their states will not comply . Some in Congress also recognize the threat .
The video is lengthy , but listening to the end is essential , unless you do not value freedom.
For those of you so inclined , read Matthew 24 closely . We are approaching those times.