Armstrong’s video seems like a heavily redacted report. This will happen that but no how’s or whys like the younger but highly intelligent Simon made clear.
I don’t think any candidate is safe right now from being used as a sacrifice for war.
The difference with Trump despite the mess the F ups caused he is for the American economy. He does need to get things more competitive as far as pricing and preventing monopolies including BlackRock’s getting into real estate and banking and with real American diversity not foreign talking advantage of pricing due to crony capitalism along with regs and taxes which he will address but left will just make worse enabling cheap products destroying jobs here. So there is a big difference including these perpetual wars. Wars for regime change in countries not bothering us in the first place that nobody wants but enemies within somehow we wind up paying for it while our own borders bringing crime, drugs and poverty. So yeah a big difference. The demos cannot be allowed to have 4 more years of open borders, cronyism, neocons and a corrupt communist traitors just us system or there will be no more elections or country as we know it for that matter.