OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 23:30 on October 19, 2024  

Moose Lake


eeos @ 12:42

Posted by Maya @ 23:29 on October 19, 2024  

I know you do graphic arts, and I’m guessing you put these gold tent graphics together yourself, but I gotta say they are amazing… and entertaining!  Thank You!

old-timer @ 18:25….Re: Splintering Babylon Documentary, as one old timer to another….

Posted by silverngold @ 23:19 on October 19, 2024  

…having lived through most of what is presented in that video I can attest to it’s truth too. Thanks for your response.  SnG

Ipso 19:27

Posted by goldielocks @ 22:00 on October 19, 2024  

Glad you got it. To summarize the things big pharma don’t want you to know and I’m not selling anything obviously it’s FYI and hope there wasn’t a double paragraph. I got a call on the cat not sure if my daughter was at work and no answer and trying to get it off my computer and pains taking only paragraph at a time. The cats okay and stayed within my daughters pet care card. Hard lesson waiting for a spay discount as it’s also ridiculous here. I only had to pay that much to spay my dog because of work couldn’t leave her alone post surgery all those hours plus pain meds and fluids to keep her through day and night. Then she dragged me out the door. Let’s get out of here she said.

The policosanol may prove to be a better alternative without the SE of Statins It also exceeded the numbers of lowering bad cholesterol and increased their
HDL by 15.7 percent that aides removal of
fat from arterial walls.It also relieved leg cramps who get them for that reason and could walk farther up to 50 percent. Now studies of the possibility of it lowering the ACAT levels they explained that could prevent senility and Alzheimer’s by stopping the development of the lipid build up that progresses to plaques and tangles.Like they said when lipid droplet levels increase, amyloid beta production increases.and so does the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Unfortunately that’s got years to go.
I’m going to look more into this when I can.

The lycopene research for Stokes that come with high cholesterol.
The lycopene didn’t widen the blood vessels of healthy people.but only to those constricted who seemed to need it and also lowered BP a bit.
There are pros and cons in lycopene and how much to evaluate. but who knew a teaspoon of organic Ketchup. That higher levels had 55 percent lower risk of stroke.


oops! … or wheels within wheels?

Posted by ipso facto @ 20:55 on October 19, 2024  

Leaked US Intelligence Documents Related To Israel’s Attack Preparations On Iran Appear Online



Posted by ipso facto @ 19:27 on October 19, 2024  

Interesting … Thanks!

@ silverngold…

Posted by old-timer @ 18:25 on October 19, 2024  

Many thanks for posting the video link.

The audio kind of went to crap after about 1 hr 15 min, but the info up to then was really interesting.

Have seen some pieces in my exploration of the “conspiracy world”, but this was a good overview.



Posted by goldielocks @ 17:25 on October 19, 2024  

Check your mail on alternative to statins study without SE and threw in lowering stoke risk. Let me know if you got it. A lot of readying.


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:46 on October 19, 2024  

Fort Knox. Even if they did find out there wasn’t any gold or as much as they said I don’t think they would announce it because it would put the US economy in a bad state and cause panic and of course the ones who took it will never be held accountable if there even still around. I think the futures market should be more concerned if enough calls for delivery came in but it seems something dramatic would have to happen to risk not having the ability to liquidate if needed for cash less they find cash is the only net zero they accomplish.

Silver buying moving up still looks good as long as bulls stay in power over the bears. A tiny amount of short ETF interest or maybe insurance emerged yesterday.

Moochelle Obama is expected to come out next

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:01 on October 19, 2024  

For Harris. They are underestimating a lot of minorities with miss shut down a shopping mall all for herself.

Talking about affirmative generational wealth like it’s a bad thing when they did it following the rules on their own labor when they don’t. They found out how much Obama’s kids are worth when everybody else’s kids are living paycheck to paycheck or drowning in debt.

That was an amazing move this week

Posted by eeos @ 12:42 on October 19, 2024  

I hope everyone banked, our tent is a good place to weather the storm

Buygold @ 9:40… Thanks for your feedback and glad you could access it. I hope others will watch it too! It sure exposes the truth!

Posted by silverngold @ 12:29 on October 19, 2024  

Regarding God, my prayers always ends with “Thy will be done”!

Much Brotherly Love My Friend! SnG

SNG – Outstanding video

Posted by Buygold @ 9:40 on October 19, 2024  

There’s some hope in there. Will be interesting to see how it all shakes out, and what God plans to do. Seems we are at an inflection point in human history. I didn’t fully understand some of the AI talk toward the end, but the truth is, I don’t need to because all I and any of us need to do is serve and trust the Lord. It is now and always has been a spiritual battle that resides here and in the dimensions outside our own. We are both the pawns and the prize.

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray…” Chronicles 7:14

It’s all real folks.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:54 on October 19, 2024  

Snow Goose


eeos @ 2:09 on October 18

Posted by Maya @ 2:53 on October 19, 2024  

Beautiful GoldTent image!  Wanka would be proud.


Posted by Buygold @ 2:52 on October 19, 2024  

Thanks for that article about Russia and silver. I’ve thought for a while that the US could back the dollar with silver when we discover that we have no gold reserves in Fort Knox.

If Trump gets in he should immediately have Fort Knox audited. I don’t see any way out for US debt other than to revalue our metals and back the dollar.


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:11 on October 19, 2024  

PMs had a good day. Even the shares did good.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.