The heavier the bike the better I think. The first time she had a heavier bike that held out long enough for her to go airborne and avoid a bodily direct collision but did break her pelvis and some other injuries. This one caused multi broken bones and her leg injured pretty badly with a compound fracture meaning bones broken through the skin and bad fractures of her wrist and secondary injuries. Lot of pain and they can’t give them anything I told her that in the ambulance to the hospital till they check for head injury or breathing because she can die. They keep putting off surgery so can’t give her anything till then now have to wait 3 more hours and a long surgery of her lower leg by her ankle and her wrists. Right now I told her to just try to twilight sleep because of the pain and she’s thirsty. The trauma nurse caring for her is good and told her they have a current good cardiac team but don’t know about current trauma and she said it’s good. We all were talking and she said what she’s seeing a lot of is brain injuries from electric scooters when they don’t wear helmets. So heady up on that. any kinda scooters kids or adults should always wear helmets.
Yeah drivers same thing going the other way and just turn left right in front of them. Second time. My oldest daughter many years ago was trailing behind me once saw two different cars suddenly cut me off,and couldn’t believe it and how I avoided it. I told her because of their driving I expected them to do that and they did so I was ready for it. I got hit in a car though same scenarios left turn I had right of wat then but not in front of me but T bones me spinning the car around and she tried to run off but other cars chased her blocked her off. I was able to position the car in time to not get direct impact with the car but still couldn’t get out that door. If on a motorcycles she would of ran not in front of me but a direct hit. Tell your son to jump. My daughter remembered that last time I don’t know what happened this time if she was hit or not. She’s I’m too much pain to have her relieve that right now.
So remember bikes of any kind of AND scooters any kind a helmet and a good one.