The PMs should be able to stay in a range for now although I worry about the election being rigged. From the comments of very wealthy people if Trump doesn’t win I fear the market will drop and possibly pull gold and or the shares down with it. They’re not gonna trust their money with that nitwit puppet who also has no soul and is playing dumb. She’s smart enough not to say what policy’s she’ll play because no one would vote for her so she’s playing dumb but people can see through her.
Even the Bible mentions these sociopaths who get in power. Seems rather easy to do if you have no soul. Just cooperate with satan. In the meantime it’s hard to keep the good ones because they just can’t be in the same place very long or at all. Who would want to gain wealth by causing someone else to lose theirs and even goes beyond that with these monsters alter egos to suffering and death.