ferret – Well, I think our trade deficit runs over $100 billion a month, so there’s some revenue there.
silverspike – I’m glad to see that the idea that there’s no need for an income tax and many other taxes is starting to come to the forefront. When you control a printing press, why do you need to tax anything? It’s the same as modern monetary theory without the taxation. Course there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth from all the Fed Reserve dependent entities because that’s how they enrich themselves off the sweat of our backs, but we don’t need them either. Cut government and their spending, empower businesses here to create and make our own stuff. We can use tariffs or even a small sales tax to provide for government spending.
Our entire economic system is a scam, meant to exert and keep control over “we the people.” Sounds crazy right? If the dollar was backed by gold, there’d be no inflation unless they kept devaluing the gold to print more currency, which has always been the tendency of governments. The Romans did it, and they collapsed.
The idea that the Fed prints our currency for us at interest is lunacy. Nathan Rothschild “Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.”
Cheap imports have been used as a method of hiding the never-ending devaluation of the dollar and inflation.