Not a space station, but space as in traveling for a long while maybe never come back to earth. I should of made myself more clear. Sounds like you’d make yourself useful while your there if on these space stations. I use to be a bit interested o communications to the point of learning codes and different languages. But then got interested in science after that. The first was more fun. You got as far as I did on the space ship I think. What exactly was it they accomplished?
Gold Train
Christmas Train
goldielocks @ 3:40
If I could go to the space station, I can’t think of anything personal I would bring. I would spend what little free time I had working the ham radios, talking to excited radio operators on the ground as we pass over for maybe a 10-minute window. Astronauts are ‘work scheduled’ for tasks in 5-minute blocks when on duty so they are kept real busy. Downtime is scheduled, too. And I’d be at the ham radios. That’s been a lifelong ambition for me since teenage years.
silverngold @ 22:59
You obviously didn’t watch very carefully. The launch did some damage to the tower that ‘caught’ the booster last time it launched, so the decision was made to dump the first-stage booster in the Gulf of Mexico. The second-stage ‘starliner’ continued sub-orbital to a planned landing in the Indian Ocean. Got that? The rocket comes down in two parts. The starliner was being stress tested with new heat shields, and an extremely hot approach angle, and SpaceX fully expected this to be a ‘destructive test’. That is why they let it sink. They got the data they needed.