Can’t argue that he is pro-Israel. Time will tell. He will need to suffer another attack of some sort and lose an eye and use of one of his arms. He’ll also need to get the entire world to love him somehow. Nothing that performing a few miracles can’t fix. 🙂
I certainly don’t profess to know who the AC is and doubt I’ll ever know. I also know there are many videos out and people who agree with you. The only thing I actually know is what the Bible says about him.
BTW – did you know that there are 63,779 cross references in the Bible? Pretty impressive for a book that consists of 66 books with 40 different authors written over 2500 years. How’d they do that?
maddog – usually, downside T/A works, so maybe a big correction is coming just in time for Christmas. It’s funny that we’re the only sector that frequently suffers “big corrections.” Everything else just marches higher for years on end. It will be interesting to see if we made the top in the dollar and bottom in bonds. Not sure I’ve ever seen pm’s perform so poorly with the dollar and rates getting shredded. Maybe it’s a new trend?