Ipso – so LePen’s party is squeezing them, so good to see. I think they’ll have a hard time putting her in jail, similar to what Trump went through. Good for her and her party. Europe is an absolute mess; it almost seems like they are on the verge of collapse to me. I don’t see how the EU holds on and I don’t see how most of these countries don’t go belly up. Similar to all the countries in the west, including us.
Goldie – doesn’t it concern you that there are so many different coins out there and all of them are being bought with both fists? Do the exchanges convert them to dollars or Euro’s for you if you buy, say Dogecoin, and it goes up 100%? Can you sell it back to the exchange for dollars?
It really reminds me of 2000 when anything with .com went up endlessly. Until the music stopped. Remember all the high flyers?