OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

The first charge against Penny was dismissed with a hung jury

Posted by goldielocks @ 22:11 on December 6, 2024  

But the judge is pushing the jury on the negligent manslaughter. There was nothing reckless or negligent Penny did in protecting those woman from a maniac with reckless regard for the life’s of another nor was his actions racist as one he wasn’t the perpetrator or instigators and the perpetrator but a bystander and two the woman who spoke in Penny’s defence were women of color he protected from the violent maniac and three no evidence he was strangled to death when he was still alive despite his fighting Penny trying to stop him, the guy did  not give up saying he had enough  and still alive when others took over.

If anyone is negligent it was the family for not getting him help and was even exploiting him trying to take money off him who obviously needed it putting on street shows and again wanting to take money off Penny by blame shifting. Wow dysfunctional  father and family the of the year award.

The DA also to blame and now  blame shifting was also negligent knowingly leaving this man and many more like him either criminal or criminally insane who were a danger to others on the streets to prey on the citizens that  was not mentally fit to take care of himself to be left out  on the streets alone. Exploited by his family who did not care to take care of him  and was a present danger to others and himself. Then Bragg has the audacity to make a race case out of it. It’s obvious who the racist is and the blame. Was he too busy will the illegals too while leaving the citizens in danger with derelict of duty?

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.