Re Hope
I am looking at the Rig getting torn apart, under the Trump regime. Ed Dowd has an interesting talk with Greg Hunter….I have not listened to it yet. but he is talking about the amount of rigging of government figures under Biden, eg saying employment figs have 1.25 million fictional jobs in them and that all has to come out, before the mkts /economy can recover…..Which I agree with …if the Rig is not outed just like the Covid scandal has to be, then it will fester, until it does explode…..the years of corruption may well get exposed….if they don’t then it must happen later….but happen it will. There is no better time than now, as the perps are gonna fight like hell, everything they have done wrong must be thrown at them. The likes of Dowd are not going away.
Now say the Rig does get exposed and the gigantic silver short with it…..that would explode silver from the Cup and Saucer, as the price goes vertical….