I don’t know much about UK politics but it seems the King has the last word on who’s the PM. Unfortunately they’re so secluded from everyone else they don’t have the actual experience of carving out a life for themselves and maybe truth on what direction his appointees are taking the country in. Also does he of she get factual input by trusted different party’s or by those of only one type of influencers working on a agenda or deceiving him to use and control him. Like you say they block anyone they can’t control who will put their own country’s immediate needs first and see though those who are trying to sabotage them maybe unknowingly get them to sell out or surrender their country using things like climate change to get them to believe needing a nwo . That these enemies within’s only purpose it to get the king and key to the castle and eliminate key players and replace with people who do what they want like give them the power, support or information to get the upper hand. To give them the privi information of the loyal key players to sabotage them and if they don’t play along till they’re none left but the adversaries or enemies.
So who’s next in line to push back? The parliament? Can the parliament stop the PM from usurping the rights of the citizens with changing the rules over nefarious groups agenda aforementioned to dethrone them so to speak or any other stupid scheme they come up with? I guess they shouldn’t wait but support the, excuse my ignorance of the system, conservatives or whomever their called there and keep them in the majority to block the one sided influence of enemies within and do the same to them and sabotage the saboteurs. Let the hunter of the sheep become the hunted.