JFK Jr up first it sounds like. Some are saying the left are going to be hardest on Gabbard and try to gang up on her likely because she’s got the inside knowledge of their BS she can expose to the public so they’ll want the public to ignore her. She destroyed Harris fast in that debate. They are all capable of standing their ground but I hope the Repubs are ready for their BS cuz that’s all they got.
Isn’t the Fed rates coming up around here.
Acosta the annoying disrespectful creep who wouldn’t shut up on any news conference with Trump resigned and made a last plea to his Marxist followers to stay truthful and any virtue signaling he could throw in, I saw on Fox comedy hour They said he was trying to make himself look like he was the resistance holding up in a bunker somewhere. Lol Yeah stay truthful,stay patriotic, support the constitution so you don’t wind up like him. I just wonder if he’s really gone.
Isn’t the Fed coming up too?