Sometimes your immune system gets out of wack and the Bad stuff starts getting an advantage over your immune system.The result is sickness,pneumonia ,TB, all kinds of parasites ready to exploit your weakness .
If no action is taken skin disease moles, mites,worms,fungus and numerous PARASITES will get the advantage and Kill you ! Even you loyal Pets get Fleas,worms Ticks and numerous blood sucking, life draining parasites sometimes need corrective action or the HOST ,YOUR ADORABLE Pet dies . So it is with Humans ,DC is NEST full of PARASITES AND IS THE CENTER OF THEIR LIFE CYCLE WHERE THEY MULTIPLY AND JOIN FORCES .
They disperse to all 50 states to suck the blood from food ,clothing and shelter producers and then return to thier DC NEST like cockroaches to multiply again.Rinse & Repeat.
So you take corrective action ,you take your pet to the VET AND HE PROCEEDS TO ELIMINATE THE FLEAS ,mites,Ticks by killing them so that the good may have a chance to live free of pestilence and PARASITES THAT DRAIN THE LIFE .So as it shall be in POLITICS .ITS TIME for the Vet to take action .The VET and Anti Biotic is Trump and he needs to get rid of all the bad biotic and the good and start over.! replacing NO Biotics with the good Biotics first to give it a chance to flourish BEFORE the overwhelming numbers of bad stuff get a foot hold since THEY are more numerous. and so both Democrats and Republicans must go in order for the Good guys to re establish themselves before it starts again.The world is full of Parasites that don’t want to produce anything but seek to take from the Producers first ,its easier than working for what you need. Politicians are the lead Parasites directing their minions to where the resources are for their like minded to exploit. Its true even in poor countries like the Philippines where Drug sellers and other parasites were killing the countries honest citizens until they banded together and hired an exterminator.
Sooner or later you will deal with the problem ,if you cant get to a VET ,the next step is the Exterminator.