you will have to ask for credit and then they can make you a loan at interest.! The problem is the public cant pay interest thats why they need cash ! GET RID of the BANKS ,you get rid of the PROBLEM ! Theres nothing more dangerous than an underployed Banker scheming and plotting to get your money ! If they cant get interest out of you then they go negative interest which means every month they steal a little of your capital instead.
Its just like the Final DAYS of ROME when the TAX collector needed money ,he grabbed you on the street and clipped a piece of your GOlD coin off ..YOU GOT CLIPPED was the expression of the day thats what negative interest rates mean today …you getting clipped ! BASTA ! as the ITALIANS say !(enough already).
The fed is at WAR with its own BANKS ..liquidity is needed (cash) to keep the economy going .The BANKS hate it ! They rather foreclose on you ..take your assets …FU_K the the economy !