The Media tried to get TRUMP to say ..if you lose the election ..will you support the winner ?
Didnt they try that slick deal during the primaries ? Then when Trump won,THEY didnt support him those establishment types.No he shouldn’t support a lieing thief ..that would mean he joins them and will not endorse good Government …That was the entire reason he ran for office ! He’s doing it because he is Grateful to a Country that was so good to him and he dosent want to destroy the LADDER that he climbed for those below him. Hillary ..she should be indicted for her crimes even if she is President and forced to abdicate her imperial Presidency in disgrace ! BASTA ! If Trump loses its the beginning not the end of a cleansing process that will occur whether democrats like it or NOT ! Its going to be cleaned up even if its at the Point of a GUN because the World cannot afford to lose what the Founders created !