But honestly, the churning in my gut is not my own, but I can literally feel and sense the desperation from Washington and Wall St. NO one, except perhaps Trump is ready for his Win. TPTB are in shock and awe, some in denial, some taking desperate measures, but they are scared out of their minds.
I once thought our Election would be like, produce similar results as your Brexit. And would gladly accepted that alone, a win. But the deeper we peel back the layers of corruption, dirty deeds, LIES, the more I realize how serious this whole election is. We are not voting just to put a President in the White House, I have no doubts this will turn things upside down in Washington and Wall St for years to come as many will be prosecuted for their illegal activities, crimes, and perhaps even treason.
I think Trump is the man to do it, and the American people will make sure he does.
Thanks to Brexit, Americans may have rediscovered their Lion’s courage, and the Tin Man’s brain. Let’s se if we can melt the Wicked Witch and her cast of monkeys.