and Tell Obama and the Clintonistas …its over !….either the DEMS suppport my plans and pass my agenda or Hillary& BIll go to JAIL and that might include Obama involved in the Cover Up.. ..There will be NO PARDONS ,and he will not say so in advance what his tactics will be. They will be under threat of Jail for Trumps term because they are a wiley bunch and cant be trusted with any sympathy ..They must be kept under threat or they will go back to their usual tricks. and if their friends in Wall st crash the Markets The Dems will PAY for it ! Just like Mexico will pay for the Wall ! Its not complicated….
Just put a 35% TAX on all money being transferred to Mexico ,just like the Tax on Cars coming from Mexico .That way all those untaxed earnings earned in America get TAXED at the Border before they go there ! WE do have control over the flow of money across borders ..the Democrats put that in PLACE ! Its time it was used for Americas benefit to lower taxes on US..and Balance our Budget thank YOU DEMOCRATS for that !