Same as Teddy Roosevelt a hunter, KNEW he had to create protection (go against himself) for wildlife (conservation, bag limits) if he and other hunters wanted something to hunt in the future. Going against the “market hunters” one farmer of which was known to have killed 1500 deer.
The “market hunters” of these days are global multinational businesses that operate freely across borders for profit, without any regard for any particular country. Until the summer ’08. USA Consumer spending fell off a cliff. Many bad loans etc.
We also had the global philanthropists (lobby) draining US wealth, and succeeded, in elimination of poverty, and more middle class people in many other undeveloped nations. Big global business and big global welfare have to know, their future now needs a prosperous USA to “harvest” in the future.
Local USA Banks along with USA domestic governments, both need more jobs and higher wages in the future if they want to survive.