Yep is right and I am the same barrel right besides you! If, someone had told me five years ago that we would have a 5 year bear market and that the mining indexes would loose 85% of value I would not have taken them seriously. One of the greatest industry collapses in market history yet the only one that has 5000 year of fundamentals!!! Unbelievable. The pendulem swings both ways so what may come is an equally incredible upside that really few of us are now emotionally prepared to handle.
What happened in the first 7 months of 2016 was a spectacular rise in the mining stocks followed by an overextended, yet balancing decline of 4 1/2 months. Should balance out now to the normal Bull cycle of 4 to 4 1/2 months up to 2 or 2.5 months down. (fingers crossed at this point in time)
Yet, the point is that $Gold made a higher Int. low and remains to break the last Int. high of $1375… $ 1400 Dead Ahead this cycle (tax time into perhaps early May…cycle fingers again crossed. )