Set you up a grill out near the weed patch, so a cup of instant energy and motivation is near by.
Then get to pulling up those unwanted green weeds with the gusto of an anti-Trump protestor. Fast and furious with as much screaming, crying, wailing and gnashing of teeth as you like. You can even make a video of your pain and travail to post on the Snowflake Channel.
Once you have removed enough of them to your satisfaction, and calmed down a bit, then plant you some Box Car Willie Tomatoes. With the rich soil and all the rain you get, you should not have to tend to them much at all. Just every morning drink your cup of coffee and pick your harvest. So easy even a retired one can do it. 🙂 These are of the Heirloom variety, so no funny GMO stuff, just plain good old fashioned eating.