The US Dollar is going to challenge its old 1985 highs. As rates start to rise (34 year U.S. bond bull market is over) loans held internationally (majority of international loans are denominated in dollars) will start to feel the pain. As they feel the pain they will want to pay these loans off. They need to buy dollars in order to pay these dollar denominated loans. As they buy dollars that causes the dollar to get stronger and trigger even more loan payoffs thus causing a feedback loop of a stronger dollar.
We need these perpetual dollar bears to short the dollar as they will be the ones buying the dollar back as it rises.
Remember- always do the opposite of the masses and you’ll usually be correct. The masses have been crying the dollar is going to die the dollar is going to die for as long as I can remember. So for now- US Stock Market UP. US Dollar UP. Gold DOWN. Bonds DOWN.
That will change. But not yet.