The guys that turned penny stocks into TEN Dollar stocks before….GUYS like Lassonnde,Lundin ,McEwen,Guistra .the way i see it. the Penny stocks need Capital,Management,and some good prospects .,but they need to survive until they make that strike …They have the Capital,the knowledge,and then need a bit of Luck…to get a TEN bagger .Watch what they are buying into….Thats why I own several Penny stocks if You got an IDEA for example, sometimes the Parent buys out the exploration at a time best for him and not to much for you ,but at least your both have something to gain from the Partnership. They are like the SHARKS on TV that invest in small start ups ..they can make the difference in access to capital ,experience and specific knowledge and Marketing .It take a lot of Capital to build a MINE ,even the big guys share expenses in big projects..
Watch SHARK TANK on TV’ll get the IDEA …It works in mining too!