Kinda strange how a man can cling to ideals, or how he thinks ‘Things’ ought to be. For a decade I kept buying PM stocks and patiently waited for the ‘Moon Shot’ that surely must come. I only recently started doing well in the trading account when I started ‘thinking’ like the banksters. Well, not so much thinking like em, but throwing in the towel and realizing, accepting, that once a month they were going to come in and beat the heck out of PM prices during Futures Expiry. JDST and JNUG to the rescue.
Although, after the last two months, it does seem the beat down have been far less than they used to. Either the banksters cannot beat back the prices ( doubtful), OR, they are changing their game plans. I can think of several reasons for their change of behavior. Recent settlements, while just taps on the bankster wrists have proven what many have suspected for a long time that the PM prices are deliberately manipulated. And then perhaps the ‘Trump factor’ with his promises to drain the swamp. ( Guessing that may include the Rule of the Banksters at some point.) Whatever the reason, I agree with Maddog that things are changing in the methods the banksters are employing to control the PM prices.
And while I agree the ETF’s are sucking the wind from the PM stocks, they are necessary tools that I intend to use in the search for profits. Stack the physical as the ultimate storage of wealth, trade the paper in all its forms to make a few bucks. And if a man can work in a little time for fishing, it ought to all work out.